Prologue (Part 2)

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Me and Nene walked around the area for a while, it's a school. But why am I here? How is Nene here? Didn't she say she was dead? I shake my head, letting these thoughts leave it. After walking for about 10 mins a boy, girl, I don't know, ran into us.

"Oh! Hi!" I say, yet flinching a bit when the person bumped into me, "Hello." they said, their voice sounded robotic. They had white hair with a "ahoge." They were wearing this white.. outfit? And black-white boots, they also had a usb plugged into their back. I didn't question it.

"Who are you?" Nene asks, pointing at the person.

"What are your pronouns," I ask, "I don't wanna misgender you.."

"Piko, Ult. Vocalist, he/him." The boy said, playing with his hair, "You are?" "Charlie, Ult. Hotel Owner," I said, "and this is Nene, Ult. Suicide Artist." Nene waves. Piko smiles at us, "Oh! It's nice to meet you two!" Say, you wanna go find some others? I believe there are more people.."

We decide to follow him, after walking for some time we find a seating area. Lots of.. different "people." People was in quotes because some weren't human. There was a blonde wearing a striped onesie-like outfit, a cleric, a demon, a green haired girl, a.. Clock? Lots more I couldn't name..

Let's see who these are..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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