Blame (Echo and Omega)

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They all knew that Crosshair wasn't coming back.

It wasn't anyone's fault but Kaminoans for implanting the inhibitor chip into his head.

But that didn't stop Omega from blaming herself.

He left after she joined the Bad Batch, so naturally, she believed it to be her own fault that he left. She thought it was because of her. Despite the amount of times that Wrecker cursed the Kaminoans for it, she couldn't stop the thoughts from entering her head. She wanted them to stop.

How she wished they would stop.

That night, Omega was couldn't sleep. It wasn't the first time this happened, in fact, it happened a lot since she joined the crew, she just wasn't used to the area around her. She shifted in her makeshift bed, trying to get comfortable. Thoughts creeped into her head again.

You know it's your fault that he's gone.

If you hadn't joined the Bad Batch he would've stayed.

You're the reason he's gone.

You lost them a crew member.

Omega shook her head violently, trying to clear her brain. It didn't work.

Finally, after a long while, she slipped into unconsciousness.

She ran through the forest, her heart pounding. Shots fired around her as she sprinted into the Havoc Marauder. There, the crew was waiting for her.

"Omega, are you alright?" Hunter asked quickly, panicked.

"Yeah," she breathed back. "I'm okay."

Hunter suddenly laughed. "Shame," he hissed, his voice suddenly cold. "You're useless to us, you know that?"


Tech nodded. "You lost us the best sniper known to clones. You lost us a team member."

Omega shook her head. "I didn't mean to... It wasn't my fault!"

"So you're blaming this one someone else?" Wrecker growled. "You know that this is because of you!"

"You shouldn't be here," Hunter told her. "You're going back to Kamino, you're never going to see us again."

Tears were running down Omega's face now.

"Wouldn't it be better to just get rid of her now?" Tech asked.

"Good idea," Hunter replied, pulling out his blaster. He pulled the trigger.

Omega shot bolt upright with a scream of terror, gasping for breath, tears streaming down her face. Echo jogged into her room, his face panicked.

"Are you alright?" he asked quickly, kneeling down beside her. She flinched back.

Her voice was barely audible. "Are you... Gonna send me... Back to Kamino?"

Echo's expression turned to a mixture of shock and sadness. "No, where would you get that idea?"

Omega shifted. "I keep screwing up. I tried to get the ball back on Selucami and I almost got attacked. I almost got taken by a bounty hunter because I went after the creature and got lost. I'm the reason Crosshair left!"

She couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst into tears.

Echo pulled her close to him, rubbing her back soothingly. "Shh, it's okay. We don't blame you Omega, we never have and we never will. You're part of our team now, you're my little sister. We love you Omega, we'd never send you back to Kamino."

Who knew that a man so solid and blank could show this much affection at once.

Echo looked down to see the small child snuggled against his chest, breathing deeply, fast asleep. He brushed the last of the tears from Omega's face, smiling gently.

I love fluff! I'll probably do fluff of Omega and each of the crew members before I do anything else. Ideas are welcome!

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