"I'm Fine"

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Echo stared at the picture of him and Fives that he always had. A single tear slid from his eye. He missed Fives, he missed Rex, he missed the 501st, his General, his Commander, he even missed the 212th. Everything was so different... And almost all of his brothers were dead. He wasn't even sure if his general and commander had survived Order 66.

Letting loose a shaky breath, Echo pulled his knees to his chest. He had seen Omega do it many times, and it seemed to comfort the small girl. But maybe the position didn't have the same effects on adults.

Tookas prowled and pounced around outside. Echo watched as a creature of sorts came and began chasing them, looking for its evening meal. Echo broke down. He hated the Empire for taking his brothers, and he hated the Kaminoans for making them so willing to go.

Tears spilled over his cheeks. He uncurled and wiped his eyes. He made to stand but heard small footsteps behind him.

Silently, Omega walked in front of the chair Echo was in, dragging a blanket that she had draped over her shoulders. She climbed carefully into his lap wordlessly.

"You okay, kid?" Echo asked, trying to make his voice as clear as possible. Omega remained silent.

She reached up and wrapped her arms loosely around Echo's neck in a sloppy hug. She shifted to get more comfortable and buried her face in the crook of Echo's neck and sighed with contentment.

Echo realized then just how small his little sister was. She pulled in her knees into a more comfortable position and her feet were several inches from Echo's knees. Omega had to stretch to lock onto him the way she was. Finally she gave up on the position she was in and let go of her brother.

Instead of getting down, Omega decided on shifting to the side and laying against him, her head resting on his chest. She almost fell asleep.

Echo wasn't sure what to do. The kid was nearly asleep, sitting curled-up in his lap like a clingy tooka. He decided he didn't mind and wrapped his arms gently around her small form.

He heard a muffled, "I love you," from Omega before they both fell asleep.

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