The City

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Wow, sixth upload of today! I'm on a roll!

"Hunter, when are we going back?" Omega whined. She was growing tired of wandering through the city streets on this supply run that seemed to go on forever. She held Lula in her arms, looking purely like a child rather than a child that had been endlessly experimented on and faced who-knows-what in Kamino's labs.

Hunter sighed, "When we have the stuff we need. We still need to find medical supplies and new canteens. And fuel."

Omega sighed aggressively, the way Hunter did when he got tired of the squad yelling at each other. Hunter pulled two ration bars from his pocket and handed one to Omega. They had known this supply run would be more like a supply crawl, so they came prepared.

As they passed another vendor selling jogan fruits, Omega aggressively bit off a piece of her ration bar. The vendor laughed at her. Omega shot him a passive-aggresive look and continued walking next to Hunter.

Hunter noticed that Omega was falling behind, so he slowed his pace. She ran to catch up with him again, her legs tired. She stifled a yawn and placed the wrapper from her ration bar into a trash can.

They continued walking and browsing until finally they had everything they needed. By this point Omega was exhausted. Hunter wordlessly picked her up and held her on his hip the way a person would do with a toddler. Omega was too tired to protest. The two shifted until both of them were comfortable.


Hunter sat down in the pilot seat. Omega was still dead asleep, her chin tucked over Hunter's shoulder. He didn't want to wake her, so he just watched the night's stars. He didn't mind Omega being clingy. It was natural for a child her age.

"Kid's touch starved," Echo said sadly, sitting down in the copilot chair.

"She's just a girl," Hunter agreed, stroking Omega's hair until the calming motion had him asleep too.


Shorter than usual, but it's almost midnight and I'm tired. If you have any ideas feel free to toss them at me
I can't promise I'll do any of them; If there's multiple requests from one person I may only get around to one or two, but I'll do my best!

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