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". . .Kerry? Kerry, are you awake?"
"I am now. . .my head hurts," I reply. Dad sighs as I keep my eyes closed. "Are we home?"
"No, baby, no we're not," Dad starts brushing my hair. My back was to him, and I didn't mean it to be, I guess I rolled in my sleep. "I'm so sorry babe," Dad says, getting choked up. "I didn't mean to hurt you. That's what I was trying to stop Fury from doing, but it was me who needed to be stopped." Dad sniffs and he shakily clears his throat. "They wouldn't let me see you after they calmed me down, they thought I'd hurt you, and that it's what I do,"
      "No. . .no you don't,"
      "I know, it's what I told them and Phil said some nice things to back me up," Dad explains. "Fury knows he's invading our life, just won't own up to it today. Guess he's having a bad day, I know him too well,"
"Where are we?" I open my eyes and look around the grey metal room with a string of blue lights around the ceiling. The sound of a jet roars then turns into a soft hum.
"We're in SHIELD's helicarrier, come here, I'll show you," Dad helps me sit up on the bed I lie in, and lets me lean on him because my muscles were so soar.
Dad looked different; he still had peach skin, brown curls and the same eyes and physique, but his outfit looked nicer. He shaved his scruff, wore some 'cheater' glasses, a blue button down shirt and khaki pants. All this time he's had his hair brushed back, but now there was a small part that brushed most of his curls to the left of his face. He had cut it too, his hair wasn't as long as it was a few hours ago.
"You look nice," I tell him.
He chuckles lightly and smiles, "Thanks. Your uncle would be spinning in circles if he saw me like this,"
"Because I haven't cut my hair or shaved in months, and we've video-chatted between those times." Dad explains.
"I miss Howie," I say.
"Me too," Dad says.
The door to my room was motion activated, so it slid open and closed when we walked through it. We enter a hallway, and right up ahead I see a window. I could see the bright blue sky, and clouds. . .and more sky, and more clouds. There was only clouds and skies, and when I tried to look down from the window, Dad chuckled.
"Feels like an airplane,"
"But this isn't an airplane!" I exclaim. "This is nuts,"
"Come on," he laughs, guiding me down the hall with an arm around my shoulder.
After a few more twists and turns down hallways, Dad and I enter a lab that shines bright and clean with blue lights and screens. Test tubes glitter and machines hum lightly and make the cold room warm. I so badly wanted to try the machines out, I was extremely interested, but we had company waiting for us in the lab.
I saw Phil, the lady Natasha, and the man called Fury. My mind buzzed recalling that Phil said that Fury was SHIELD's Director. As Dad and I enter the lab, Fury stares at me, sizing me up.
      "Dr. Banner," Fury greets. "You're looking better," Dad stares at Fury with a smile, probably taking the 'kill him with kindness' routine.
"Feeling better," Dad retorted sharply. "Like myself,"
"He's not a bad father," I say. "You're bad people," my eyes go to Fury and Phil, who gives me a sad look and a slight nod.
"I apologize for the misunderstanding. In our records of Bruce Banner, him having a blood relative is almost miraculous, it's—"
      "Just say 'having kids,'" I snap. "I'm fourteen, I think I know how things work,"
      "Kerry Lynn," Dad snaps. "Stop being rude,"
I roll my eyes as Natasha approaches me with a sweet smile and kind eyes.
"Hi sweetie, I'm Natasha," she holds her hand out, and being the first woman I saw on the Helicarrier I shake her hand with a confident power.
"You're an agent too?" I ask. She nods with a big smile.
"The famous Black Widow," Phil says proudly. Natasha snapped her head in his direction with a death glare.
      "Black Widow?"
      "It's okay Natasha, I think Kerry can handle anything up to this point," Dad says, patting my shoulder. 
      Natasha sighs and crosses her arms. "Well, I'm a skillfully trained assassin and have been apart of SHIELD for many years. I had a little mission where I actually had to meet with your father about a big project Fury has been working on that needed a smart man like your dad,"
      ". . .you're an assassin?" I ask in a squeaky voice.
      "Anyways, Miss Banner," Fury says to break the awkward tension. "Do you know how powerful you are?"
      I take a second to think about this. "I threw a grown man across a field,"
      "Do you have any ideas why your super strength never showed up until now?" I shake my head as Fury walks towards Dad. "We had a little talk with your father about you a few hours ago, he says you have a heart condition and can't partake in any cardiac related activities."
      "Yeah, but I do anyways," I shrug. "I mean I don't give one-hundred percent but I was always careful about where I could push myself,"
      "You would hyperventilate, right?" Phil asks. "Get chest pain?" I nod in awe.
      "Turns our your old man here took a complete guess about your heart rate increasing the chance of your powers. If you were more active as a child you would've been fully aware of your powers, possibly have better control," Fury explains.
      I look over to Dad, who has pursed lips and creased brows. "Dad, is that true?" He nods softly with a look of shame.
"On another note, we came to the conclusion of why you don't turn green," Fury says, placing his hands behind his back. "It seems that your gender created the outcome of your genes. When the gamma gene was passed down, having a Hulk was a fifty-fifty chance depending on if you were to be a boy,"
"Unlike your aunt who had a blood transfusion—wait, should I keep quiet about Jen?" Phil asks. Dad nods, but I shake it off. Too much information was swarming my head and I couldn't handle anything else.
"For a small teenage girl, you scared the hell out of that soldier you threw at the park," Fury says.
"One soldier was kicked into a tree," I glance at Dad, whose expression makes this new information to him. "Is he alright?"
"Everyone is going to live, but there was an unidentified body in the crash of the helicopter," Phil explains.
"Oh God the pilot—"
"He was never going to make it," Phil sighs. "The body we're talking about wasn't on the helicopter,"
I look at all the adults' faces with confusion. Fury looks down at the ground, then his eye slowly rises to meet me.
"We hacked into FBI's files to get a picture of the body, and your father identified the person," Fury says. Natasha curled in her bottom lip, biting it and looking away from me.
"Who was it?" I ask. Every adult looked at each other except Dad. There was no answer. "Two of my best friends were in the park with us—tell me it wasn't one of them!"
"No, no, no," Phil shook his head. "It wasn't a man,"
"A woman then?" I ask. Phil nods. "Who?" I look at everyone, who look at Dad with sad eyes and closed lips.
Dad lifts his head up at me, swallowing hard and pursing his lips. His forehead creased down with his eyebrows, and casting a gloomy scene in his glossy eyes. Suddenly my heart felt like it dropped twenty stories through the floor before smashing onto the ground. My chest tightened as my face fell and flushed white.
"No. . ." I take a step back. Dad closes his eyes an raises his hand. "No!" I run out of the lab and into the hallway, making it back to the room I woke up in. The sliding door opens, and I head for the bathroom right as I hear Dad call my name.
Locking the door, I start sobbing and yelling, pulling at my shirt because I could feel my muscles grow. I knew that if I pulled at my hair I'd rip it out of my scalp. The walls were metal in here too, so I curled my fist and punched hard enough to make a dent. I yell as the tears rolled down my face, while punching the dent over and over again until it was weak enough to make it a hole.
Stopping, I scream and fall onto the side of a tub behind me, gripping the shower curtain, and eventually pulling it down and breaking the rings that held it up. I place my head in my hands, wetting my palms with my tears as I sob.
"I'm sorry. . ." I cried softly. "Dalia, I'm so sorry. . ."


......damn this hurt to write I still think about this chapter a lot

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