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The roars get louder, they sound neither human nor animal. Well, that's a good tip to finding a Hulk. Anyways, I dodge rubble and rock pieces bigger than me. Yep, they've been here. Then an earsplitting roar shook the air. I look to a northwest and see two Hulks fighting. My eyes widen, mouth open in shock as they fight. Both Hulks have their arms on each other's shoulders. They hold each other back like that.
"Go Dad! Kick his butt!" I cry. Abomination turns his attention to me. I see a crooked smile, then Dad punches him, but Abomination pushes Dad away. Abomination looks at me, his teeth look all yellow and scary. Then he bolts towards me.
"Oh shi-" Abomination charges at me as I run. But he slides in front of me and blocks me. I fall and run back towards where Dad is suppose to be.

I trip over my left foot and fall flat on the ground. I turn over and Abomination is right there. He snarls with a smile, and raises his fist. I scream as loud as I can as his fist launches towards me. I close my eyes, and then I hear some kind of a thump. I open my eyes to see a giant green fist and Abomination's fist together, then another green hand take Abomination's fist, and hurl him to the left, possibly crashing into a building. I look up to see Dad. I then get up off the ground and slowly look up to Dad. It's silence besides the sound of fire burning. Dad breathes heavy, and so do I. We hear the noise of rubble being moved, I look to see its Abomination rebounding to be back in the fight. My head turns back to Dad, and I look him in the eyes.
"Dad," I say. "Smash."

Dad actually gives me a smile. Then I run behind him and straight back as I hear more fighting going on. I hide behind half a car, watching the fight.
Dad is almost over Abomination, as he's bent down. Dad punches Abomination with his fist, and then knees him in the stomach. I cringe at that, thinking that must've really hurt. But then Abomination has the upper hand, as he takes Dad's fist when he plunge sit into his stomach again, and Abomination flips forward, having Dad on the ground, and Abomination on top.
.....Well, I'm not helping this fight.
Dad then launches Abomination off him, and Abomination flips forwards into a brick building. As Dad walks over, he pulls Abomination up by the neck, as he does, Abomination spits out some teeth.

Anyways, I watch Dad repeatedly smash Abomination's head against a brick wall. Whoa....that's a bit.....violent for Dad.....I don't know, or I'm not so sure....
Abomination then moved his arm back, pushing Dad away, then grabbing him by his shoulders. Both Hulks pushed each other like little kids fighting. I squinted my eyes through the dust they were making as they shuffled their feet. Dad kept punching Abomination, then, Abomination got the upper hand. He started rapidly punching Dad. I gasped as Dad fell to the ground, and Abomination still kept punching Dad. But I had a lump in my throat when Abomination gripped Dad's throat with his giant reptile hand.
"STOP!" I cried, my voice cracky. "STOOOP!"
Abomination looked up to me. He looked angry, probably cause Morgan didn't kill me, but then, his toothy grin smiled at me. "Why don't you come stop me, and save your daddy?" Abomination said. The limo in my throat was still there, and tears filled my eyes at the brim.

I could see Dad move his arm, trying to do something with it, but can't tell what. I look back to Abomination, I got up from behind the car, and stood my ground.
"You're a monster!" I cried. Abomination smiled at me. "Finally figured it out?" Abomination asked. Dang, is Emil always like this? His smile burns with victory as he still has Dad in a strangling position. I can't do anything. I could risk my life, trying to save Dad, but I'd die, and what will Dad do? He said if you tried to kill him, he wouldn't die and nothing would work.
So I guess I have to do what I can.

I run into the battle, as I do, Abomination swats me to the left right as I get close.
That was a stupid plan.
The impact I made with the ground, I could tell half my Gamma was wearing off, but it's flooding my bloodstream again. I lay on my stomach, just laying there, in defeat.
"This isn't your fight! Now, watch me, kill your-"
Abomination got kicked off, and was laying on his back next to Dad. I sat up on my butt as I watched this. Dad is holding some kind of chain in his big green hand, but then he does the most scariest thing. He wraps the chain around Abomination's neck, and pulls him up holding onto two ends of it. The two ends are going in a cross way behind Abomination, as if the way Dads holding it.
Abomination is gripping at the metal around his neck, besides the yellowish color of his skin, his face beats red like a tomato. Dad roars with a smile, proud of what he's doing.
This cant be Dad.....is it?

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