Part Three

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 "Hello?" A voice called from the front door of the Ridell's house. "Finley? Levi? Rory?" Two out of three of the boys were getting ready for the big game that afternoon. Rory was passed out on the couch, still hungover from the night before and occasionally uttering his fiancée's name while he drooled. Laney was the only one in the house with access to the front door. She abandoned her spot in the recliner next to the couch and approached. The sight of their uncle Rod caught her off guard.

"Oh, Laney, what are you doing still here?"

"Still?" Laney questioned as if he expected her to have gone already. The plan was to drop her off at her apartment on their way to the game. Laney had no desire to go to the game with the Ridell's. She was no baseball fan. She could barely grasp the concept of the sport even if Levi insisted it was simple.

"I figured you'd be on your way home by now since you've never shown an interest in the family sport, no matter." Rod expressed himself so elegantly that Laney wanted to punch him out. Of all the Ridell's she knew, he was her least favourite. "Are the boys ready yet?"

Laney turned back towards the living room. "Not exactly," she waved her hand in front of the couch.

Uncle Rod chuckled. "Rory, rise and shine, sleepy head!"

"Ugh..." came Rory's response.

Laney couldn't hide her smile. "He drank an entire bottle of Tequila last night," she explained. "I don't think he is going anywhere anytime soon."

"Rory up yet?" Finley came into the room without his shirt entirely on. He was still pulling it over his head. His voice caught her attention and she looked up instinctively only to find her entire face turning red at the sight of his exposed chest. As Laney drew her eyes away, she couldn't help but notice the way his jeans hugged his hips, nor how the shirt he adjusted over his stomach accentuated his biceps. There was a reason she called him Burly, but Laney seemed to be noticing it for the first time.

Finley stopped by the couch and tilted his head. He stared down at his sleeping, groaning, and drooling sibling before shaking his head. "Lightweight. I guess we need to find a replacement. Maybe Misha is available. We could show her a better time than that idiot."

"What about Laney?" Levi entered the room, having just overheard the end of that conversation. "You wanna come?"

"No way!" Finley exclaimed. "You remember what it was like going to games at school with her, don't you, Levi? She's a nightmare!"

"I'm standing right here..."

"Sorry, Cricket, but you know it's true. Besides, no girls allowed, remember?"

"You just suggested inviting Misha, she's a girl," Laney argued though she had no real desire to go to the game. She'd only go to make a point that she could sit through a game without being a pain in his ass.

"She's an attractive girl--"

"Who is engaged to your brother," Laney put in before he could finish that sentence. She knew whatever he had to say would further insult her. He'd make some comment about her being nothing but the girl next door, little sister, and add to her frustration with him. Finley would never find her sexually appealing. He'd rather have the unattainable Misha around to look at than have to answer Laney's questions throughout the entire game.

"Hate to break up this lovefest," Rod interrupted. "But if we don't decide now who is taking Rory's place and get going, we'll miss the opening ceremony."

"Fine!" Finley gave in. "Come, but I swear if you test my patience it will be the last nice thing I do for you."

"Just give me some popcorn and a brief synopsis, and I'll keep all my badgering to a minimum," Laney cheered internally for this small win.

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