Part Eight

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Laney stood in the mirror and frowned. It was just movie night with Levi, and she shouldn't care how she looked, but there was always a chance that Finley or Rory might show up when she was at Levi's. If Finley showed up unannounced, Laney wanted to look her best. She might have told Levi she had nothing hot to wear but she had to wear something that was more than her usual yoga pants or jeans with a blouse or sweater. She opted for her black leggings and her burgundy, off the shoulder, long top to wear. It was comfortable and gave her a little bit of confidence. Besides, if she didn't leave now she would convince herself to switch into her pyjamas and crawl back into bed.

Laney grabbed her jacket, keys, and purse before heading out.

The short walk to Levi's gave her time to obsess over what she would do if Finley turned up. What would she say? How would she act? A dozen different conversations ran through her head until she reached the door of the apartment building and bumped right into Levi. Laney paused and gave him a confused look.

"Forgot snacks," he admitted. "Go ahead up, I'll be back in a few minutes."

"I can come with you."

"Nah, go on up. It will give you time to rearrange all the pillows just the way you like it before I flop down on them and mess up your system," he insisted. "Door's open. I thought I would be there and back before you talked yourself out of coming and back into coming."

"Haha," Laney sarcastically laughed, they both knew he was right.

"Five minutes."

Laney nodded at his retreating back. Typical Levi. He always forgot something but he usually didn't exclude her from a trip to the store for snacks. She headed for the stairs with growing suspicion. It made no sense that he would insist on her staying put while he ran for snacks. If she went with him she could have picked out her snacks. Levi was up to something and she had a good idea what it was.

Laney paused on the stairs. She considered turning around and going back down. If she was right, and Finley was up there waiting for her, Laney didn't know if she was ready to face him.

Anger rose in her. Anger at Levi. She was certain she had made it clear with her "nothing hot to wear" comment that she wasn't interested in seeing his brother.

She continued up the stairs regardless of her conflict. The least she could do would be to hear him out. If she didn't like what he had to say she would have the satisfaction of storming out dramatically. With her decision made, Laney continued to Levi's apartment with purpose. Outside the door, she composed herself before entering the apartment.

"Hello!" Laney called out as if she expected Levi to be home.

"Laney?" Finley's voice came from the kitchen before he appeared looking more breathtaking than ever.

Laney groaned inwardly. How was she supposed to even pretend to be mad at him when he looked that good? She tried not to show that she was admiring him as he paused in the hall, but he didn't share the same decency. Finley's eyes were on her so intently that Laney felt like she was center stage in a crime scene.

"Le-Levi's not here?" she stammered while trying to keep up an act of normality. "He'll be back soon," Finley replied.

Yes, Laney thought, as soon as we've had ample time to make up. "Oh... I'll just go then. I can come back another time..."

"I thought you two were watching a movie?"
"We were, but we can do it another night..." Laney turned to leave with her resolve faltering.

"Laney, wait!" Finley insisted. "Stay. Levi will be back shortly and then I'll go, if you want me to. He left to give us a chance to talk."

"I know why he left..."

"You don't want to talk then," Finley sighed. "I get it. I don't think I would want to talk to me either. I wasn't very sympathetic."

"You said you didn't want to ruin the dynamic of our group. I get that and agree. There's nothing left to talk about, Burly."

"I know I said that, but the dynamic is already ruined. It was broken the second you unbuttoned your shirt. I should have stopped you, and shouldn't have let you kiss me."

"Why? Was I that bad of a kisser?"

Finley chuckled. "Not at all. You were great. I haven't stopped thinking about it since... or you..."

"The dynamic is ruined, and I don't want to go back. I can't go back, Cricket," Finley continued while taking a step closer. "I've been suppressing my feelings for you for a long time and that kiss was like popping the cork on a bottle of champagne. The cork never fits back in the same way again and the champagne loses its fizz."

"I don't want to put the cork back in."

"What are you saying?" Laney asked. She was quietly trying to process all his metaphors that she couldn't quite understand what he was trying to tell her. "In English, please.

"I'm saying that I think I'm in love with you and I want to explore this new dynamic we have." "Okay..." Laney said after a moment.
Laney laughed. "Yes, okay. I want to figure this out too!"

Finely let out a sigh of relief. "Could I kiss you now?"

"Please, do."

He took her in his arms. It was more exhilarating than the first time. Laney tilted her head up and his lips slowly touched hers in a gentle caress. She could feel the heat of his kiss igniting her soul from the tips of her toes to her heart swelling in her chest.

"Ahem," Levi cleared his throat behind her. "I have snacks. Should I put them away for another day?"

"New dynamics," Finley whispered against her lips before parting.

Laney laughed. "Keep the snacks out, Levi." She gave Finley a peck. "I'll see you later." 

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