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dear (y/n),

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

I'm sorry that I left.

I'm sorry I haven't been responding to anyone's messages.

I'm sorry I haven't been responding to your letters.

I'm on my way to the hospital you're being hospitalized at.


Don't leave me.

love, wolf

Wolf rushes his way through the hospital, running pass different nurses and doctors who were doing their tasks.

Tears began to form in his eyes as he was almost at the hospital room. His eyesight becoming a bit blurry as the tears continued to form.

Seeing the room number coming up, he rushes to the room as sweat drops were dripping down his forehead.

He sees Hwangmo, Jake, Eunchan, Dean, and Donald. Who were standing outside of the hospital room. The door was closed, he wanted to go inside and see her one more time.

"Where is she?" He questioned as Hwangmo stopped leaning on the wall.

"She's inside. She's been sending letters to you everyday." Hwangmo answered as he looked at the door to her hospital room.

"I've been receiving them..."

"Then why the hell weren't you responding to any of them? She was worried as hell about you!" Eunchan exclaimed as he walked up to Wolf, until he was pulled back by Jake.

"Eunchan! Calm down. Don't fight in the hospital."

"I regret not responding to them. I should've responded sooner... I was busy-"

"Busy doing what exactly?" Donald questioned as he walked up to him, Jake and Eunchan quickly moving to the side to let him pass.

"I was... Seeing someone else."

Right after Wolf answered the group went silent.

A hand slapped Wolf across the face, he didn't attack them however. He just stood there, knowing what he did wrong.

He regretted it.

"You do know that you were already dating (Y/n), right? Why were you seeing someone else?" Donald questioned as he lowered his hand back down to the side, pretty much pissed off about Wolf's answer.

"I don't know! My body just acted on it's own-"

Wolf got cut off by another slap across the face. His glasses falling to the floor as a red mark began to appear on his face.

This time, it wasn't Donald who slapped him. It was Jake, who was one of (Y/n)'s closest friends.

Jake cared a lot about her, along with Dean, Eunchan, and the others. They were like older brothers to her.

"Your body just acted on it's own? What the hell do you mean by that?! You're already dating (Y/n)! What more do you want?!" Jake questioned as he stood in front of Wolf, clenching his fists as the rest watched from behind.

The staff watched and didn't dare to make a sound or move an inch. They didn't want to interfere, they just continued doing their tasks quietly.

The entire floor was silent. No one dared to speak or tell them to take it outside. They just watched in silence.

"You're a real asshole. You know that? She hasn't been sleeping because of those dreams that keep repeating. Hell, she hasn't even been taking care of herself! Do you even know how much she's been wanting for you to respond to her letters? Or just wanting for you to come back? Yet, you've just been seeing someone else behind her back! She loved you!" Just as Jake was about to slap him Wolf more time, he hesitated and lowered his hand before looking down at the floor.

Wolf stayed silent. He regretted what he's done. He has no idea why he actually did it.

"...Just let me see her one more time." He told them as he didn't even glance at anyone of them.

Jake looked at him for a moment before turning around and walking towards Eunchan and Dean. He had his head down in frustration.

Wolf bent down to the floor and picked up his glasses. Slipping them back on, he walks over to the hospital room where she was.

Hwangmo moves over to the side to let him pass. Wolf opens the door and enters before softly closing the door behind him.

He sees her in a sleeping state. Tears already forming in his eyes as he takes each step towards her.

His legs trembling, unable to keep his body steady while making his way towards her hospital bed.

Once he gets to her, he collapses onto the floor and let's it all out, right onto her lap.

Taking off his glasses and putting them aside as tears poured down his face while he grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

He kept muttering the same words, over, and over again. Hoping that she would hear them.

"I'm sorry. Please come back to me..."


𝑰'𝒎 𝑺𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚ー𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅 𝐊𝐄𝐔𝐌Where stories live. Discover now