Truth About Love

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I was tired of seeing Marceline cry over that guy. It pissed me off that someone as sweet as Marceline got hurt. Maybe if I had just told her my feelings we would be happy right now. She wouldn't have gone out with him and we would be happy together. I sighed and looked over at her hunched over figure as she hugged her knees. I scooted closer to her on the park bench, deciding to try and comfort her.

"Don't cry anymore. Don't think about him." I began to rub her back gently and she looked up towards me.

"It's just so hard. He was so nice and..." Sobs rang out as I bit my bottom lip in anger.

"You're still young okay? You're barely learning to love." I tried again and saw her nod slightly.

"I just thought I loved him." She looked at the ground.

"Today love has left. Tomorrow who knows. Don't cry anymore. You'll forget him soon." She looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Will I?" She asked me in a quiet voice and I only nodded, keeping my eyes locked with hers.

"It's just the truth about love. It comes with age. You don't need to understand it, just let it happen." I smiled at her abit and she returned it with a shy smile.

"Life is confusing." She finally stated and looked off again into the setting sun.

"It is but remember. Love will come when it comes. And the truth is it can go good, go bad, make you laugh, or make you cry. But it's what you decide to do with the experience that counts." I kicked the dirt, looking at my feet. From the corner of my eye I saw her relax slightly.

"Thanks Bon, you always know what to say." She smiled over at me.

"No problem." I blushed slightly and rubbed the back of my neck. "You know.... nevermind." I mumbled.

"What is it Bon?" She asked curiously. I took a deep breath.

"If you ever need real love, I'm right here. I love you for real." I blushed deeply. Why did I just say that?! Stupid Bonnie! Stupid stupid stupid!!!

"I.... I sort of love you for real too. Ash was just another way of trying to get over you... The real reason I'm upset over the breakup is because I realized that even after that, I still love you.. Probably even more than before." I blinked fast and looked up at her, seeing her face closer to mine, her breath hitting my slightly open mouth so I could taste her minty taste.

"Really?" I asked slowly, staring deeply into her eyes.

"Yes. And who knows. Maybe the truth about love is that I'm meant to be with you." I felt her lips slowly press to mine, I kissed back happily. Mint and Chocolate. One of the most addicting sensations to my body. She was my drug now. Maybe, just maybe, this WAS the truth about love.

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