If You Love Her

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Finn fidgeted in his seat as he looked at PB. They were on a date, she had finally agreed, but there was something off. She wasn't herself. As they sat in the diner, PB played with her drink's straw, looking out the window. Finn sighed and looked at her.

"What's wrong PB?" Finn asked quietly.

"Nothing Finn just a lot on my mind. I'm sorry." PB looked away from the window and towards Finn, straitening up in her seat and smiling apologetically.

"It's alright Peebs. If you don't want to be here, we can always leave." She shook her head as Finn talked.

"No it's not that Finn. I assure you I'm enjoying myself." She smiled the smile she usually used at formal events, such as meetings. Finn wrapped his hands around his cup and sipped at the drink before looking at her again.

"Listen PB, I know you're not into this. I know you rather be with her right now." PB blinked rapidly and looked at him, then cleared her throat.

"Who are you talking about?" Her voice cracked slightly and was higher than it usually was.

"Marceline." Red flushed over the girls face. She opened her mouth to respond but had no words. "You love her don't you PB?" Finn looked determined.

"I-I..... Yes." She looked at her hands.

"Don't you want to tell her how you feel?" Finn asked.

"Well I mean... Yes I do but I don't know." Bonnie hesitated.

"Well as a friend I can only give you one piece of advice. Go and tell her the obvious. That you can't live without her. If you love her go and tell her you love her. You shouldn't be here wasting time. Go, you deserve to be in her arms forever." Finn told her, this caused PB to nod slowly, a fire burning in her eyes. She was going to tell her. She stood quickly and gave Finn a kiss on the cheek, running out of the store.

"Thanks Finn!" She called out as she left. And with that she was gone. Finn continued with his thoughts.

"Tell her that you feel what you never could for me. I'll just be here. I can see that fire in your eyes. A mixture of anxiety, love, and craziness. And curse my thoughts because I can only see, the way you would kiss her passionately instead of me. And it kills me to admit it but you do look good with her." He slammed his fist to the table. Then let out a deeper sigh. "I'll just be here....."

(A/N: I know this is different from what y'all are used to but tbh, I get ALOT of my inspiration from Spanish music so the person it centers around depends on the song. So yea. Thanks for reading. I really appreciate votes and comments. I know I rarely do authors notes but I can be reached at any time either on here or on kik : BubblineSugarlessGum so yea. Violet out!)

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