Not Meant To Be

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Bonnie gasped, frustrated at the situation. She was sitting on her bed with Marceline pacing, well floating, infront of her.

"I'm sorry." Bonnie let the words out.

"It's not enough Bon." The words came out strangled.

"You know I care. A lot. Fuck, I love you Marcy." Bonnie felt the tears sting in her eyes.

"I love you too Bon. But you just threw me to the wolves when you completely ignored me all night. And this wasn't the first time either!" During the whole royal ball, Bonnie had danced all night with other royals and never once have her a glance.

"I'm so so sorry. You know why I had to do it." Bonnie tried again.

"'Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.' That's all you ever say but do you mean it?!" Marceline burst out into tears.

"I do! I love you! I'm trying to make this work!" Bonnie blurted out.

"Well you sure have a funny way of showing it!" Marceline screamed. She had never screamed at Bonnie. And in that instant something clicked in Bonnie's mind.

"Then maybe we're not meant to be...." Bonnie murmured. This caused Marceline to stop in place.

"Come again?" She said in a somewhat fearful voice. Bonnie spoke alittle louder.

"Maybe we're not meant to be." She looked up to see Marceline looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Bon.. Don't do this. I need you. You don't understand. I can't live without you. Don't make me do it." Marceline reached forward to try and place her arm on Bonnie's shoulder but Bonnie's expression hardened. She pulled back her had.

"Think about it Marcy. Me saying that I'm sorry will never cut it. Telling you how much I care doesn't seem to matter. If I give you what you want it'll be the death of me. It's never enough to say I tried. We can't keep living like this. No matter what happens, what I do, you're always mad and I can't seem to change your mind." Bonnie said in a sincere but sad voice.

"There's still time to turn this around. Maybe we can build it up again instead of tearing down the foundation we already have." Marceline hung onto the last shred of hope.

"But baby, it's to late. It's like as soon as we take a step forward something happens and we go flying two steps back. I love you Marce, but it'll never be enough. You need someone that can hold you and kiss you in public. This relationship we have is hurting us both. It's like trying to turn around on a one way street that leads to pain and destruction, it's extremely hard and the drive back can't guarantee that we'll make it out alive. No body can win when everyone is suffering." Bonnie made a determined look. She was going to go through this. "You have to go Marceline. For you. For your own benefit. Because all I'm doing is hurting you and it kills me that I can't give you what you want, what you need."

"Bonnie what I need is you." Marceline was on the verge of begging.

"Stop. Leave." Marceline was so shocked with the princess's words that she made her way out with a blank face. When she snapped back to reality, tears poured down her pale face.

"Goodbye, Bon-..... Your Majesty." Marceline bowed, alittle venom in her voice, mixed with the sound of a broken heart. With that she flew off. Bonnie slammed the doors to her balcony shut and fell against them, deep sobs ripping through her chest as she let out what she had been holding in while.

"I'm sorry to see, that maybe we're not meant to be....." She sobbed and let the unforgiving claws of depression take grasp of her and consume her.

(A/N: i know I know, I haven't updated. I'm sorry. I'll be trying to update my other too, (Falling For A Mafia Boss and Story Of A Gear). Sorry if I kept y'all waiting too long)

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