Chapter 7- Murdering a child

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Alesha's POV
I obeyed the orders, I had to. I had no control over my body, this dang collar. My eyes were the eyes of a wild animal, I howled into the sky.

I spotted my target, I dashed at it from within the brush. The target or human boy began to run from fright.

I ran even faster catching up with him, he let out a scream as I jumped out showing myself.

I leapt onto him snarling, I was obeying my master's orders like a dog. Then I heard his voice in my head commanding me -kill him...kill the boy...kill that child Alesha...-

Although he only said it once it echoed in my head. -kill...the....child?.....if...I....must...-

The child was sobbing now, I snarled showing no mercy.

My jaws found their way on his neck, my eyes turned into a slit type. I was a monster.

He screamed and started balling tears, and as I pressed harder blood started pouring.

Then I stopped and let go, I stood towering over him, his blood on my muzzle.

-kill him Alesha! Kill him!- the voice commanded. The collar then shot a bolt of electricity to me, it was powerful enough to kill a human but it gave me only mild pain.

I stared coldly into the boy's eyes and then I slowly raised my paw. "Please, Please spare me wolf!" The child cried.

I growled and with one swipe my claws had sliced his neck. His blood splattered on my white fur.

-well done Alesha..head back..- his voice commanded. I obeyed but thought this to myself, -no...this isn't can't be right...killing a child in cold blood...-

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