Chapter 3- Satan's collar

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Alesha's POV

"W-Where am I?..." I asked feeling weird. I blinked my eyes a couple times trying to wake up. There was a laugh, "she wolf....we got you now..your under our command.." A voice had said to me.

My eyes shot open and I looked around, I was in chains. I yanked on them as hard as I could, it burned me and I flinched in pain. -damn they're silver chains....Mia what should I do?...- I asked my wolf, -I don't know...this is as painful for me as it is for you Alesha.....I've aged over the's been 17 years we've been together...I'm tired..- Mia responded.

-Mia! Mia!- I screamed inside but there was no response. "Why are you so silent?" A voice asked and I lifted my gaze to it.

It was a young man, about 18. "What do you want with me?..." I snarled at him.

"Oh...we are going to use you to kill your own daughter, to end the purebloods forever.." He smirked.

"Ha! That's where you wrong! I don't have any children!" I smirked.

"You're wrong Alesha, a pup survived from your litter with Dallas...she was the runt and is a pureblood like you...I'm going to woo her and then you can kill her..." The man said.

My eyes went wide, it was silent for what seemed like was only a few seconds. -she's coming....for me.?? No! I can't kill her! I won't!-

"Ha! What makes you think you can make me kill her?!" I smiled.

"That's what we have this for.." He smirked and opened a case, he pulled out a collar.

I grew terrified as soon as I saw it. "S-Sa-Satan's C-Collar...." I started to shake a bit.

"Right you are Alesha" and he started walking towards me with it.

"No! Please! Don't use that! You can't!!" I yelled and then there was a click and I blacked out.
Well back to lily now, I'm gonna leave you questioning what happened to Alesha, she'll appear later again. This is mainly Lilly's story at the moment. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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