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Location: Luminex Briefing Room, South Korea

Date: June 6, 2019 


After I received the news that the Idol group Resonance has disappeared we got intelligence from our spies that bandits kidnapped them so we immediately assembled a team with me leading it and now we are in the briefing room explaining the plan. 

"Alright men, here is the deal we got four members held at this warehouse..." - Me

Luminex Rescue Plan

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Luminex Rescue Plan

"Here's the plan... we will split us into two teams." - Me

Blue Team - Hyunjin, Felix, Bang Chan, Lee Know, and Y/N Kang

Yellow Team - Woojin, Changbin, I.N, Seungmin, and Han

"Alright now we know the teams I will explain how this operation will go..." - Me

"Blue Team will head to the right side of the warehouse and take out any guards on the way, then wait at the entrance until Yellow team arrives from the left side." - Me

"Then once we meet each other we will throw a flashbang then take out the bandits then blue team will rescue the girls then yellow team will clear out the rest of the warehouse, any questions?" - Me

"No, sir!" - Hyunjin

I nod 

"Alright, then gear up!" - Me

They all get up and we walk outside the briefing room, then head to the armory, then gear up and load up our guns. 


??? POV

"Do you have them...?" - Me

"Yes, sir there at the office..." - ???

I nod and we walk to the office and there is the disgusting, filthy kpop group I have despised the most and they are the reason why my love of my life is gone... 

"W-Who are you...?" - ???

"Come on... don't you recognize me?" - Me

The girl's eyes widen.

"I-It can't be..." - ???

I laugh evilly and shake my head.

"That's right, I came back for revenge..."- Me

"I came to cleanse this planet of your kpop filth and this world will be reborn as I visioned!" - Me

"YOUR INSANE!!!" - ???

"Oh, please sweat heart if you weren't so stupid back then none of this would've happened." - Me


I turn my head in the direction and one of my men came inside. 

"Sir it's Luminex their here!" - ???

"*sigh* Well it's nice catching up with you all but unfortunately I can't have witnesses..." - Me

I pull out my gun and shoot the four girls in the head. 

"Sir, we have to leave now..." - ???

I nod and left a letter on the desk then I head outside the building.


Blue team already started their sweep in the warehouse while my team will head to the office. When we get there, I see two guards and we immediately take them out. 

"Alright it's clear let's move in!" - Me

They nod and then we came by the office door and we bash it open to find four dead bodies of the missing Kpop group.

"God damnit were too late..." - Felix 

I sigh and I then approach the bodies, then take a close examination, then I find a note on the desk.

"Dear Luminex, 

If you are reading this, then I assume you already killed the rest of my men in the warehouse, but how sad you weren't able to save the members of Resonance. If you are wondering who we are, then we are The New World Order or NWO for short. We people believe that the world of Kpop is nothing but a poison to this planet and we seek to eradicate it. I myself the person who wrote this... I am the leader of that glorious organization but I can't say who I am just yet. So since I am feeling a little generous, I will give you a little hint. Did you know there was once a FIFTH member in Resonance? Well, do some digging into it and you will at least get a clue of who I am... good luck because you are going to need it.


The Leader of the NWO" 

The Leader of the NWO" 

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The symbol of the NWO

After I read the letter I was completely disturbed and so was the members after explaining what I just read then Woojin contacted me.

"Sir we completed our sweep of the warehouse and it's clear!" - Woojin

"Good work but unfortunately we were too late..." - Me

"What do you mean sir?" - Woojin

I sigh

"The missing idol group is dead..." - Me

"I see then... so what are you orders?" - Woojin

"Gather your team back to the van we will meet at the Luminex headquarters then tomorrow we will discuss this with Mr. Lexington." - Me

"As you wish sir." - Woojin

I look at the others then we call the authorities to clean up the place of any traces that we were involved then we head to the van then we drive back to Luminex Headquarters. 

"Whoever did this and have these types of views is insane..." - My Thoughts

Author: Who could the leader of the NWO be?🤔

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