
567 17 2

Location: Kong-Dae Convention Center, Seoul

Date: July 1, 2019


I was shocked to hear what Selene had told me because he looked like a completely innocent person who won't hurt a fly. But I guess looks can be deceiving so I continue to rush toward his office and once I got there. 

*Kicks Door Open* 

When I entered the room it was completely empty and no signs of him are here. So I looked around for clues and I pulled out one of his drawers to find some sort of plans. 

"What in the world?" I said to myself while unraveling the big piece of paper.

Plan X:

Phase 1: Hire Psycho (Status: Complete)

Phase 2: Have him destroy JYPE (Status: Fail)

Plan Z:

Phase 1: Make 500 pounds of explosives (Status: Complete)

Phase 2: Plant them in the convention center (Status: Complete)

Phase 3: Blow up the center with the Kpop scum inside (Status: Incomplete)

Phase 4: Take over the world (Status: Incomplete)

My eyes widen while reading through all of this. THERE IS A BOMB INSIDE THE BUILDING!!! I immediately pulled the radio out of my pocket and contact Felix.

"Felix, we have a code red! There is a bomb inside the building that is enough to blow up the entire center!" I said through the radio in a serious tone.

"Do you know where it is, sir?" Felix asked.

"I don't know, just go look for it while I look for Donathon, he's the leader of the NWO, also evacuate the entire building!." I responded.

"Yes, sir!" Felix said and he copied out. 

I gathered the documents and ran out of the office to search for Donathon but he was nowhere to be found. All of a sudden the lights turn back on and I decided to check to see if everyone was okay when I got there I see that all of the group members are accounted for...

Except for Tzuyu...

"Where is Tzuyu?!" I asked them in a serious tone.

"Men came down here and took her but we don't know where." Jihyo responded and I nod.

I ran upstairs and I see her with the men that Jihyo mentioned I immediately pulled my gun out and fire on them and they began to fire back. I kept pursuing them until we reached the rooftop. 

Once we got there I see Donathon holding a gun toward Tzuyu's head.

"Not another step, agent Y/N!" He said to me and I stopped. 

"So I'm sure by now your squad mates have found the bomb by now, it really isn't that hard to find since it's pretty big." Donathon said to me and I didn't say a word.


Felix POV

We were searching around for the bomb while Han and Changbin evacuating everyone but we got word that it was on hold since NWO men showed up to stop them. 

"Felix, anything yet?!" Hyunjin asked me.

"No, I looked all over this floor!" I responded to him and he nods.

"How about the basement?" He asks me and we began going downstairs to the door and we opened it and what it revealed was a 500 lb bomb strapped up with a C4 with a timer that says 5 minutes left until it explodes.

Bio-Experiment 68 | Twice X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now