Chapter 13- Such a klutz.

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After we saw Baekhyun off, Kai and I headed to his house.

"Are you really okay, or are you just saying that because you didn't want us to worry" He makes me stop.

I smile but I honestly still shaken up. When he sees me smile, he finds it convincing but not quite. Then he settles on not believing me.

He sighs and we continue to walk.

"Oppa, thank you for saving me though."

He nods, "Yuni, you should listen to Baekhyun and myself. I don't want that happening again."

I nod and imagine what things would be like if it happened again.


Kai insisted I should stay at home for the day. I simply told him I wanted to be at school and that there was a test for History. He shook his head and chuckled. He messed up my hair and that was followed by my scolding.

But underneath the joking, I was worried about seeing Miyoung, Yoona and Yuri. Hey might realise that Baek and Kai was the ones who saved me.
My train of thoughts were interrupted when the black gates towered over me. I passed through them and caught Miyoung and her friends giving me dirty looks.

I look away but when I turn my head I bumped into the wall. I gasp and rub my forehead.

"Yuni-ah, gwenchana?" I feel hands on my shoulders

I spin around to find Evan,"Oh, hey. Yeah, I'm fine."

I hear Miyoung and her friend laughing and accident.

"Don't mind them. Are you sure? Here, i'll help you to your next period."

He sets hands on my shoulders and guide me into the building. I ask him if I could head to my lockers first.

I twist in my combination and swing my locker open. I grab my Maths textbook and shut my lockers. But as I shut my locker, the locker door swings hard onto my head. The sharp end makes a mark on my forehead.

I make a tiny shriek and hold my forehead. Evan holds my wrists to see the wound. But wen I look at him, Baekhyun is there not Evan.

"Yuni, why are you being so clumsy?! Oh, geez. Are you shaken up from yesterday?" He lifts my hand from the wound.

The blood drips down my forehead. He catches the blood before it gets to my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me today."

"Lets get you to the nurse." He says putting his hand on the small of my back.

"I'll help" Evan leads us down.

My vision is a little funny. All I see is a blur. Probably because I knocked my head. I hold my head and grip the railing.

Baekhyun secures me by holding my waist. I try to clear my vision but when I take the step my foot and brain doesn't collaborate.

I fall down on the step with a gasp. Baekhyun holds my waist just in time but there is a pain in my ankle.

"Yuni? You okay? Lets get you to the nurse" Evan says helping me up

He helps me stand but when I put weight on my foot I shriek in pain.

Baekhyun bends down in front of me,"Get on"

I have no choice because I obviously can't go on my own. I kneel and sit myself on his back.

He stands and I suddenly worry if I am too heavy. I ask him and he scoffs.

"Your not. And if you were, it wouldn't matter more than your injury."

Lucky he couldn't see my face because I was blushing. I try to cover to up by hitting him on the shoulder and laughing.

"But thanks, Baek." I say


"Okay, what's wrong with Ms.Kim." The nurse inspects me

I look at Baekhyun and I catch his eye. But soon after, he averts his eyes.

Evan speaks up," Well, Yuni was not in the right frame of mind. She bumped into the wall, scrapped her head on the lockers and now its bleeding and she sprained her ankle".

The nurse was shocked and ended with a sigh. I look down, she probably has never met someone this clumsy.

"Ms.Kim, you ought to take better care of yourself." She says motioning me to sit

I take a seat and reply,"I know. I wasn't feeling okay today."

The checkup took awhile. But when it was done, I could tell that Baekhyun wanted to talk to me. After the nurse left, I turned to Evan.

"Hey, can you give us a minute? I'll see you outside"

He bows and leaves the room. Baekhyun still doesn't look at me. So I speak first.

"Baek, I'm sorry if I worried you or anything. I just..I was- I don't know what happened"

He lets out a sigh,"Yuni, I think your still shaken up from the incident. You can't take care of yourself"

"I can. I'll be fine tomorrow. Don't worry."

"How can I not worry? You have a bleeding scar and a sprained ankle." He says it without looking towards me.

"I'm sorry, I will take extra precaution." I say

He shakes his head,"Look, I need to go somewhere. I'll go to your house tomorrow to pick you up. I'm not letting you out of my sight until then"

He kisses my forehead and exits the sick bay.

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