Chapter 5: getting it right

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Chapter 5: getting it right


"Yes, my lady" Lina replied with a bow.

"Where is Killian right now?" I asked with a calm expression still looking at the pond but the girl behind me flinched.

"My lady.. he will be in the training ground" Lina replied again with a quivering voice.

"When he would be free?" I asked again contemplating the idea of starting a chat.

"I... I don't know my lady. You have asked us to not meddle you, in his affairs. And even ask us to stay away from everything related to him." Her voice was getting low and low. It was barely above a whisper at the end.

'Right I was the one who stopped them from contacting Killian. Not only that I tried my best to make him feel an outcast in his own territory. But how much have I already done?'

"Lina" I forgot to ask the most important question.

"Yes my lady," she asked again, her head was bowed like always. How would it feel like to always bend yourself towards others? To not be able to hold your head high.

"Which year is it?"

My lady?" asked Lina tilting her head.

"I asked what is the date today?" I asked again patiently.

"I apologise my lady. Its 15th June 1265" she replied meekly

"Oh, so it has been only one year." She contemplated

"Pardon, my lady" why is the duchess asking these strange questions to her.

"I asked, had it been a year when I came here?" I tried to confirm, although I was sure but still my memory was hazy of that time.

"Yes, my lady, 11 months to be precise." She replied again, there was curiosity in her voice this time.

"I would like to like to rest for a while," I replied walking back to my chamber.

"My Lady" Lina spoke after some hesitation.

I stopped and turned back to look at the hesitating girl. Is she afraid of the punishment again? I raised a brow and waited, to show that I can also be patient enough.

"My lady.. that.. duke has left a message for you." She spoke bowing a bit more, her eyes were boring a hole in the ground.

"And" what does he want now! Doesn't he always run away from me, then why is he doing the opposite today.

"The duke asked you to go and meet him after your breakfast." She replied quivering.

I laughed a cold laugh again. That man, did he think she is his slave? Why would I go and run after him when I can stay here and enjoy the roses.

I am not my past self, who would run after him just because he asked me to do so.

Looks like he didn't let me turn into a good person. Hmph. "Tell Clara that I am tired, as she has disrupted my morning sleep. I won't be able to meet the duke today"

With that, I turned and started walking towards the pavilion where I can sit and admire the roses.

"But my lady… his highness will.."

"Enough Lina. I am the one you are serving not his highness. You should understand it early." I replied impatiently raising my hand. Cutting her now will finish all the future disruptions.

"Yes, yes my lady. I apologise my lady." She replied further bowing.

"Lina, if you would bend just a little more you would fall" I couldn't help but say looking at the awkward position of the standing girl.


"And would you stop apologizing for everything?" I added, I am already tired of her apologizing in just a few hours.

'Did she always apologise this much in the past?' I hasn't much recollection of her past with this girl. I just remembered that she had been executed because of me.

My other two maids gave testament that Lina was the one who supported me. And helped me in executing my plans. Poor girl!

I owe her a good life and I will make sure, Lina would also live a better life from now on.'

Lina looked at the duchess changing expressions from the corner of her eyes. She is angry for a moment, then sad, upset, determined. It was like a myriad of expressions showing on her face in a fraction of a second. Just like a film.

But what had just happened that ever so the stoic lady has changed into this way. She is looking much more human.

And why is she avoiding his highness? Did something happen, I am not aware of. Or is it because of? Her eyes widened thinking the reason behind the change in her behaviour.

"Is she avoiding his highness because she is afraid that he will rebuke her for the stunt she had played last night?'

As if reality finally down on her, she nodded her head in understanding.

"I will take care of it my lady" she replied assuring her this time.

Without knowing what is in Lina's mind I nodded. Satisfied with her reply I started walking again. "I have one more thing for you," I told the girl following her with rapid footsteps.

I slowed my speed, not because I wanted to look demure like before. But Lina was looking like a hopping rabbit the way she is following me. See even I can be a kind person. I felt proud of myself for it.

"Yes my lady." Replied Lina taking a breath of relief, she wasn't able to match her footsteps, as she was running from the duke.

Rather than going back to the pavilion, I walked back to my chamber. Sitting there on the chair near the window, I admired the view.

"Bring the box of my best collection of gems," I ordered the girl standing behind for further orders.

"The rarest one, the one you brought from marchioness house?" she confirmed, as their duchess would never use anything that she brought with herself. She always asks duke for whatever she needs. So, she wasn't sure, if she is getting it right.

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