Chapter 25: red pepper pie

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Chapter 25: red pepper pie

"Not you Marcus. I have a very important task for you." my words sounded him like a death penalty.

He started shaking like a broken leaf, folding his hands in front of me.

"I apologise for my mistakes no my sin, your highness. Please have mercy, I was just following orders," he begged, quivering.

I raised a brow in amusement, why is his reaction so exaggerated, like I kill people for fun. "Did I say I am going to punish you?"

"I know your highness, but.. Huh, you are not going to punish me, your highness," he asked dumbfounded. His eyes were wide in surprise and mouth agape like he just could not believe what he heard.

I sat down on the sofa, folding my one leg over the other with a haughty expression on my face. I was sure I was looking no less than a villainess, but I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. "If you are so desperate to get punishment, I can always give you one."

"No, no your highness. You are a very kind lady. Thank you." he replied, shaking his head as if he was afraid I would change my decision.

"Good, then let's continue the discussion you are here for,'' I said, nodding my head.

"Yes, your highness." he finally took a sigh of relief, as he escaped the calamity befallen on him.

"As I asked you before to make pineapple pies but fill them with red colour to make them look like a raspberry pie." I continued slowly to confirm. And when he nodded I continued, "I want you to add red pepper powder in the one you serve to lady Isabella."

As I had expected his eyes widened again. He was shocked to hear what I said and shook his head again like a rattle drum.

I raised a brow and continued, "as the one serving lord Killian, you must know that he is allergic to raspberries. Yet you accepted the request of lady Isabella in serving berries in dinner. Do you know lord Killian could develop a severe disease because of that?

And I am just asking you to put some pepper powder and yet you have the audacity to deny me, the owner of this place, duchess of the forchestire empire.

You need to reconsider where your loyalty lies Marcus." 'if not you will be part of my hit list too.' I added in my heart.

He kneeled again in front of me, "your highness, the dish was for lady Isabella, never in my dream had I thought to serve the dish to lord Killian."

I laughed, whether he thought I was a fool or he was actually the fool to believe that the dish would not be served to Killian.

Once was a mistake, twice was the intention. If raspberries were found in tonight's dinner too. Then Killian would be sure that my care was nothing but just a facade to harm him further.

It made me think it was the first time a mistake or that it was also planned to trash my image.

But I was sure no one knew that I was going to have breakfast with Lord Killian at that time.

"I... I apologise your highness for your ignorance. I will do as you say, your highness." he finally accepted my condition all but reluctantly.

I nodded "but remember, no one needs to know about it, or else you will suffer again,"

"Yes, your highness. I understand," he replied bowing again.

Finally, I nodded in satisfaction, "good, you can go now."

"Thank you for your highness." he accepted and scurried away.

Just when he went out all the maids returned, so as Lina with a man following behind.

"Took you a long time Lina," I commented looking at the watch, everything had already taken one hour. It was already 7 pm. I was getting late for dinner.

"I apologise for your highness, we were waiting outside the chamber as per your command, your highness," she replied, bowing her head.

'Oh yes, I just forgot about that.'

I nodded my head in understanding. "But I am getting late for dinner. I apologise for wasting your time but I have a dinner appointment with lord Killian. you have to come back here tomorrow morning" I said to the butler who bowed.

"Don't apologise your highness. I understand. I will be here early in the morning." he replied in a kind voice.

"Good then, we need to go now." 'before that snake will reach there.'

They all nodded and followed me, two on the left and two on the right side.

It was a beautiful starry night, the pond was shining in silver and the whole place was bathing in the moonlight. So many flowers with different colours and smells were adorning the garden of Killian.

'I wish I could live here with him. His chamber was just majestic'

I was admiring the scenery when I heard the voice of laughter.

I turned back only to see Isabella walking towards my side laughing while Cassius was going on the opposite side.

'Shameless bunch of people. Showing the whole world their chummy behaviour.'

But the scene made me think in my past life, why I did not realise that Isabella and Cassius were this close.

He had asked me to let her continue the duchess duties but that was it. I never saw them together, on any occasion. Much less laughing and talking like that in the public.

In the past, I thought that Cassius did not trust me enough to give me the keys of treasure and power or he despised that's why he gave the power to Isabella to spite me.

Only now did I realise how close they were. Did they just use me and my family in my past life?

I clenched my fists as the thought crossed my mind. If that's the truth, I will snatch all the property and power from you which was legally mine duke Cassius.

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