Chapter 23: meeting Killian

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Chapter 23: meeting Killian

"It would be great for your highness to complete a year in learning about the duties and educate herself with all these papers. I will try my best to teach you, your highness" she replied with a kind face, but I could hear the pride and see her mocking gaze.

I raised a brow, "is that customary lady Isabella"

"How could that be... But this way would make his highness more comfortable as well," she said with a weak voice as if she was on the verge of crying.

'Same old tricks prove that others are bullying you.

"The dukedom will be handled by the duchess. It is customary, Lady Isabella as a symbol of her authority. Surely you are not trying to drop my authority. Are you?" I asked looking sharply into her eyes.

"You've mistaken your highness. I just did it for his highness," she added with tears in her eyes. Oh, where did that haughty girl went, her expressions were changing faster than the temperature.

"You don't have to worry about that lady Isabella, I have told his highness about it," I added not wanting to exaggerate the matter, for now, I have to go to the lord chamber for dinner with Killian shortly. I will prepare a better gift this time as an apology for avoiding him last night.

"Your highness, I am the one handling the matters for a long time... It would take time for you to understand," she replied sticking to her point.

I sighed and looked at the sky. 'See, I tried to be a good person and explained to her patiently. But looks like these snakes just wanted a villain'

"Are you challenging me now lady Isabella?" I asked in a low cold dangerous tone.

Gone the calm and sweet facade out of the window.

"I.. no, your highness. But"

I raised my hand to stop her from further speaking.

"But what, you are not even part of the dukedom you are talking about. As if it belongs to you. I am very understanding of Lady Isabella. So I am not trying to find the hidden meaning behind your attempts.

But others would think you are trying to covet my position. Being too close with a married man, huh? And as you know only his majesty can have concubines, rest all can have only one wife and that I already am.'' I took a pause, letting my words sink in her mind and soon her face started turning ugly.

"But I know that it's not true, right lady Isabella?" I asked with the same kind face but mocking eyes.

Oh, it was a sight to behold, I wish I could call the royal painter to draw the scene for my future amusement.

How her face was turning red and white from embarrassment.

"Of course, that's not true, your highness. His highness is my brother in law," she added to clear her relation but I just laughed again.

"Oh my, look at your lack of grammar lady Isabella. And here you claim that you can handle the whole dukedom." I shook my head as if I was amused.

"Pardon, your highness. I don't understand," she replied with confused eyes.

"I was... Lady Isabella. Cassius was your brother in law when he was married to your sister. But he is my husband now. And I don't remember adopting you as a sister. You are just a guest here now. And I don't like when guests interfere in the household matters, lady Isabella." my voice was sounding very sweet but each word hurt her like a dagger pierced her skin.

That's why they say, 'revenge is best served cold.'

She clenched her hands to control her fury, as she smiled. But I could clearly see the glare she hid in a second and the evil eyes, as she was still a kid in front of me.

"I understand your highness," she said finally, realising that I would only humiliate here more if she pressed the topic more.

I glimpsed at her hands, as she was clenching her fists and trembling. She must be thinking that I had violated her authority? I had crossed the line? If so there was nothing funnier than that.

If one continued to own something that didn't belong to them, they would mistakenly believe that it was theirs. It was human psychology. But I would claim everything that was mine now.

"Good, then you can go. Lady Isabella. I have an audience with Lord Killian.'' I replied dismissing the girl but her dull eyes lit up hearing my words.

I wanted to hit myself realising the reason she became happy again,

'Why Marianne, why did you tell her about your meeting with Killian?' I scolded myself and tried to stand up before she could say something but were snakes so easy to get rid of! They coiled to your bodies till you could not struggle anymore.

"Your highness" she spoke again like a shameless person, gone through her tears too.

I turned back, sighing internally "yes lady Isabella."

"Your highness it's been two weeks I last met Killian. Let me join you. I miss my nephew." she requested, her voice and face were dripping honey.

"Lady Isabella, I am not the one who decides the lord's Killian schedule or meetings. You need to go there and ask for an audience with Lord Killian. Go ahead. It will take me some time to go." I replied in my usual tone which surprised her.

She must be waiting for me to deny her. So that she could complain to Cassius and marquees Wiltshire. Women and her tears. But I would not give you a single chance in this life to ruin my name and image.

But it also didn't mean I would let you fill Killian's mind with your foolish ideas and thinking.

I rubbed my hands in anticipation, ready for a great show, 'this is going to be with fun'

[have any idea what Marianne is going to do?]

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