chapter-10: change in devil?

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A/n:- vocabulary😂for some readers who not at all know korean

Ireonayo: wake up
Arraseoyo: ok/fine
Ppalli: hurry/fast
Ne: yes
Aniyo: no
Wae: why?
Mueos: what?
Jinjja: really
Hajima- don't!
~learn them~

Ok let's get this chapter started😛


The very next morning,

You wake up finding yourself in someone's embrace who's none other than devil.

Y/n- umh.....

Y/n slightly moved and slowly removed his hands from her waist,then she was going to stand up from the bed.....

Jungkook- where are you going?

Y/n- just sleep.

Jungkook pulled you back making your back face his chest and he hugged you again.

Y/n- yah jungkook let me go.... it's morning already.

He tightened his grip so you don't go.

Y/n- haarsh....okay am not going but don't hug this stomach hurts..

He loosened his grip a little.....and he buried his face in your neck.....his breathe tickling your neck, giving you shivers through your spine which made you tilt your face towards your neck leaving half of an inch space between his face and yours..

Jk- yahh!what are you doing?

He removed your hair from his face.
You were staring deeply into his dark eyes....

Jk- Am I that handsome angel?

You quickly moved your eyes from his face.

Y/n- n-no! Just umm

Jk- fine go now we have to do shopping toooo......

Y/n- yah....

You quickly stood up and did your routine and wore👇🏻

You quickly stood up and did your routine and wore👇🏻

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Jk- woah my angel looks beautiful.

You Blushed a bit and just rolled your eyes.

Y/n- why the heck did I blush...ugh
*You mumbled to yourself*

Jk- you even started rolling your eyes in front of me huh?

Y/n- s-sorry! *You got scared that he will hurt you again*

Jk- don't say sorry

He was sitting on the bed and you were just beside the bed in front of the mirror drying your hair....and he immediately pulled you towards him you ended up in his chest and he started tickling you.

Y/n- aah!aah! Yah jungkook!j-jung....hajimaaa.....yahh stob plzz...omg....hahahaha

And he leaves you....your eyes were all teary..

Y/n- aah oh my god.... what was that fo-

You suddenly saw a tattoo on his hand where your breathe stopped....You slightly took his hand and saw it's written ' y/n's devil'.

Y/n- j-jungk-

Jk- what?you thought I didn't know that you call me devil hhaha....if it's devil then it's ok i tattooed my hand how my angel like it....

You were so speechless ......more shocked felt butterflies as somewhere you were tensed with his sudden change of he didn't hurt you...he said you to not say sorry and now the tattoo....

Y/n- what happened to you?

Jk- what will happen to me?

Y/n- I mean since when did you start being this nice 🙃


{A/n- flashback from previous chapter if you remember the talk between bts at the dining table}

Namjoon took a plate and hit jungkook on head with it

Jk- aah!hyung what are you doing?

Namjoon- you really think you'll be happy like this?

Jk- what are you talking about??

Namjoon- I'm talking about you and y/n!! Do you think you can spend your life like that?all time blackmailing her...?what will you do if you people will have your own kids?will you keep doing this in front of them too?

Jk- I don't care hyung...... it's all her fault... she's the one who doesn't likes me....

Jin- jk try to understand ....your not a kid anymore!you have to make her in love with you!take care of her like anyone else!keep her happy!don't force her! Don't beat her! At the conclusion.... you'll be the one who is going to be happy with the love back...

Jk- I think you're right hyung..... I'm sorryy...I'll try...

Hoseok- it's never too late.....

>Flashback end<

Y/n- I mean since when did you start being this nice 🙃

Jk- aahhh I'm gonna be your husband and that's my job to keep my wifey happy!

Y/n- 🙄 he's gone nuts! *You mumbled*

Jk- huh?

Y/n- I don't want this marriage! I don't want to marry you!!!

Jk just smashed off the door and went out of room not answering her but before saying "meet me in 5 mins downstairs"

Y/n- *sighs* help me someone!

>Time skips<

You both (jk and u) come from the shopping with your dresses and all....

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