Kate Kavanagh

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I got a news tip, but I can't write the story on it. According to my source one of Grey's men saved a woman at the women's center for battered women.  A man came in armed with a loaded gun and grabbed a woman by her hair and dragged her by the hair then broke her nose and her arm. Grey had security present and he saved the woman and cuffed the perpetrator and got her medical care and the guy was arrested. Not only can't I write about it, I would put others lives at stake. Right now the Grey's are just helping out and they are trying to assure everyone's safety and privacy.
Tim Davis
I can't believe this, I have to use a public defender. My accounts are frozen and one civil suit is filed against me and another against my parents. Thea is going to regret pressing charges against me and having me and my parents sued. I see a very familiar face giving me a dirty look as she walks past me with an attorney who looks fam8liar as well. Then four more females walk through and they give me dirty looks as well. I think I am screwed, then there are guys walking through as well. I watch as each female goes inside and they come back out after a while. They all went in and then came out after a while. Then they left after they came out. I notice the cctv cameras around the room and they are definitely working. They finally take me in and interrogation room. I am introduced to detective Watkins and PD Ed Morris. He tells me what the charges are and that they are still coming forward to press charges. Some I don't remember. I am so screwed. No bail and my parents are going through their own hell because they protected me from these girls. Thea and her family were leading the charge. They have the Grey family on their side. My Pd said that I should ad it to guilt and throw myself on the mercy of the court.
It was hard to see that self righteous jerk Tim Davis, but mr Grey brought in more of his victims in a show of strength and to put the fear of God into our rapist. I watched as his eyes became bigger and filled with fear, not the fear like all of us victims of his assault had, but fear he won't get away with it any longer. As more and more of his accusers gave him the evil eye as we walked by on our way to the interview rooms. Mr Grey explained that he wanted to show Tim just how many young ladies would stand up to him after he threatened to kill us if we reported him for rape. What I didn't think about is the fact I could have became pregnant like the one girl who brought her baby with her. The little girl was a by product of his raping her. All of loved the little munchkin but hated how she was conceived. Tim knew about his daughter and didn't care and now he can't see her ever again. He doesn't want to anyway. Now he will have to finally have to take the paternity test. I can't believe how long he got away with his sexual assaults, but hopefully this stops it at least for a while. Sari named her daughter after her grandma Rose who raised her. Sari had a very good case against Tim and her baby is proof of it. Sari Campbell came from a wealthy family her parents died in a plane crash where the airline was held liable for the crash so she inherited money and was awarded the money from the airline a two years old, of course her grandma put it in a trust fund. Sari made the mistake of attending a party with a few friends and Tim waited until she was alone and he raped her after gagging and tying her up before raping her. She couldn't see who her attacker was it was too dark.
Elliott is still having issues with Tia and Mia, my security saved a battered woman from her abusive ex today. He wasn't fast enough to prevent the injuries he caused the lady, but the guy had a loaded weapon and he took him down. I have to add more security and more women body guards at this point. Elizabeth is still trying her best to make Tia and Mia see the real world and to appreciate and start trying to be independent, but I don't think it's working. It's scaring the hell out of me and my parents about their safety, which makes me think they need self def se training. I will be talking to Elliott about having Elizabeth get them and herself into classes for exactly that and no exceptions. Then find out if we can get better security systems in place at the woman center. Kate Kavanagh is still trying to get an interview from me and I am not going to give her one.
I am so upset about Tia and. It being so close to that criminal it makes me ill, but they need to know that some women live in fear of someone who said they loved this lady at one time and still does, but can't stop brutalizing them to the point they might kill them. It is sad they can't get away from these people and a restraining order doesn't stoop them and being in prison just adds fuel to the fire for these people. This time our security on Tia and Mia was there and saved the woman from the guy, but wasn't fast enough to stop him from sending her to the hospital. He had a loaded gun so it could have been worse. Had he got her out of the building he most likely would have shot and killed her. I don't want them going back there, but they refused to stop.

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