~Part5~ Tag with Krone..

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3rd Pov
We told Don and Gilda that some really bad people took Conny And the other's that have been adopted even though it wasn't true and MaMa was the one giving us to them.

From then on Gilda And Don help us train the little kids,We came back for a little break when we heard sister Krone ask to play with us.

Sister Krone got most of the little kids with leafs that had shapes in them.

I saw Krone Running towards Phil and Thoma.
Emma grabbed both of them and ran.

I was next to her a told her to give me Phil.
I was now running with phil when i told him to cover his mouth as we ran we split ways,Krone Went after Emma.

I was still running with phil as i started to climb a tall tree.

Once we were out of sight i put phil in my lap and told him to keep quiet so we don't get caught.

He nodded and as i was about to say something i saw Krone and she was just standing there then she said "I know you're here Y/N...Do you know the secret of this place...".Phil and I stayed still and quiet."Your weakness..Y/N is that You try to make everything seem'perfect'".

Soon ray came and said that time was up.

"Come on Phil! Jump down ill catch you."Y/N said
Phil then jumped off the tall tree and right into Y/N hands.

"YaY! i finally won a game of tag!"Phil said as we were sitting at the tree.

Phil then went to play with the other little kids.

"Did you find out where the tracking devices are?" Norman said So only the four of us coud hear.

"Yea i did Remember that bump we had on our ear as a baby those are where the tracking devices are"Y/N said.

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