~Part7~They found out

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3rd POV
Ray,Norman,Emma,and Y/N were in the libary reading the morse code and They didnt notice Don and Gilda was gone until Y/N said something.
Now there having a meeting with them there.

"What you guys did was stupid!,What if mom found you guys!,You would've-"Ray was cut off by Don.

"Would've what?...get killed like Conny and them?-"Don said.

"Look we're sorry we just wanted-"Emma got cut off by Don.

"So they really are.."Don said.

"Oh my god.."Gilda said.

"Do you guys not believe in us?!?"Don said.
No one said anything and Don punched Norman square in the face.

"Don-"Ray said before he got punched too.
"Don wait!-"Emma said before Don grabbed her shirt and raised his fist.

Y/N Walked over to Don grabbing his hands puting behind his back and pinning him to the floor quickly.

"I know good and well you we're not about to hit a female"Y/N said in a Threating tone.

Y/N then got up and walked over to Ray and Norman helping them up, Then walked behind emma hugging from behind checking if she was alright.

"We didnt tell you because we knew you would be upset"Y/N said.

"We were going to tell before we were gonna escape and its not that we dont belive in the both of you,its the fact that your both 2 years younger then us and we dont want you getting traumatized."Y/N said.

The Promise Neverland X Y/N (Emma x Female Y/N){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now