Chapter 17

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Joseph's POV

Awoken by a high screeching that resonated throughout his entire body, Joseph naturally thought they were being attacked and went to grapple at the sheets to protect Aesop. He jolted upright from his peaceful slumber and threw his arms out across the sheets in hopes of saving Aesop from their attacker. However, Joseph felt nothing but the warm outline of where Aesop's body laid. He quickly scanned the room with wild eyes, wincing from the pain on the ongoing screeching. He found Aesop clawing at the door of the small room as if he had tumbled out of their bed; his eyes wide and panicked like an injured animal.

The screeching continued, it seemed to be coming from nothing and was so deafening that Joseph couldn't work out the words that came from Aesop's moving mouth. He stumbled out of bed, twisting out of their sheets over to Aesop at the door; who at this point had crouched down and was pushing the heels of his hands so hard against his ears that they were shaking. Joseph usually would've immediately tended to Aesop, but he felt an overwhelming pull towards the door. Something was compelling his mind to head into the central atrium without a minutes haste.

The two managed to get down the stairs without injuring themselves but it seemed like they were late to the party. All the other survivors were gathered on the atrium outside their rooms or down in the central hall and all were in a similar state to Aesop and himself, keeling over, stumbling and pressing their hands into their ears, Eli's owl was flapping around in frenzy. It seemed all of them were also in their bedclothes, whatever had summoned them here didn't want to give them the chance to dress presentably. The survivors weren't even focussed enough to glare at Joseph as he came down the stairs. Perhaps he was slightly grateful for that small mercy.

Joseph held Aesop's arms to stop them shaking, it looked like he might have been yelling if he could hear over the constant ache of the screeching. Joseph himself was also struggling, he felt lightheaded from the pressure of the noise but he was even more terrified of what might happen to Aesop if he passed out, the other survivors had not been amicable recently after all.

The screeching cut off like someone flicked a switch, leaving Joseph feeling like the world was spinning a split second. It's absence was quickly filled with a booming voice that Joseph couldn't find the source of, it was as if it were speaking directly in his mind. It sounded like it was forged with the sole purpose of making them feel inferior. The voice of the apex predator.

"We finally meet." It said, it's voice clear and velvety. "I apologise for the wake up call, I hope you are not shaken enough that you cannot hear me."

Aesop was shaking at Joseph's calves, he now looked terrified and he was muttering something repeatedly, Joseph crouched down to his level to hear him choking out,
"It's them, it's the Host, they're going to ki-"

Aesop's words were overpowered by the voice once again. It didn't seem to have a gender, it slipped and slithered between the idea of masculinity and femininity like a snake but most of the time sounded like an indistinguishable middle ground. It spoke as if this whole ordeal was an inconvenience for them, as if they didn't have the entire room trembling before them in the early morning sunlight.

"I have noticed some turmoil within your ranks," Joseph could've sworn he felt eyes staring hot in his direction, "It's a shame, honestly. I thought we could've enjoyed our little game longer."

Despite the frankly quite casual wording, this felt like an ominous threat. But if someone dared lay a hand on his Aesop then he wouldn't care for the fear. He could kill anyone that dared to take Aesop away from him or die trying.

The Host made a noise as if it were amused, "I'm sure that many of you have noticed I have been toying with your memories. For now, I will let your minds be your own. Be grateful, I have decided to be merciful."
The Host paused as if for effect, "I will let you play my game again but your escape will be real. You will also get the wishes that you originally came here for."

Again, the voice paused. Perhaps his time expecting some sort of overjoyed reaction from the survivors however their fear stricken faces barely moved an inch. The Host continued on, a slight annoyance tinging their words,
"However, the side that loses will not come back to the manor, they will have to die." The voice said nonchalantly as if there were truly nothing it could do to stop the death. The host radiated a cold indifference as if it wasn't playing this game for their own amusement.

It continued, "Our hunter has already been decided, The Photographer, and one spot for the survivor's team has also been chosen, the Embalmer. I think you can figure out why these two have been chosen. I'm sick to death of them ruining my fun. Hunters and survivors are enemies. I don't intend on letting some pathetic love story changing that." Joseph scowled at the floor. He would've portrayed his discontent to the Host directly if they had a body he could portray it to. The Host's words were already beginning to turn cogs in his mind. He knew that the other survivors would be more than willing to sacrifice some Hunter for their own escape. And Joseph sure as hell wouldn't be exercising his sword to execute his lover and the few people that might've been able to look after him on the outside. It seemed Joseph's fate had already been sealed.

"The rest of you can figure out amongst yourselves who gets a chance at freedom, the game will begin in an hour. Those who remain behind will have no recollection of these events of the people who partook in them. Your minds shall be mine once again."

And then, the voice and the heavy presence that came along with it disappeared as if were never there at all.

The hall broke into clamour.

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