Chapter 2

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Joseph's POV

"You should have seen him!"
Joker yelled, slamming his fist on the table and causing the plates over what little food they got to rattle and threaten to fall.

Yet again, Joker was enraged by a certain survivor. He was a hard one to catch apparently which was intriguing.

I've never had a problem catching a survivor if I really put my mind to it. I bet I could catch him in the next match with ease, is what Jospeh wanted to say. However, Joker wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed and he'd yell about any survivor that escaped him. His thoughts were interrupting by Joker screaming "And he had the audacity to keep on opening the gate!"
at a pitch that even made Black wince and he adored Joker's stories.

Soon, it was time for the 2v8. Jospeh nominated himself to hunt alongside Burke. Jospeh was fond on Burke. He was grumpy, yes, but also efficient in his work and more that happy to keep himself to himself. It wasn't often that Joseph nominated himself to hunt. He couldn't exactly pinpoint the exact reason why he was going today as well. Could it be a certain survivor you're after? A voice said in the back of Joseph's head which he quickly dismissed.

Soon, he and Burke were waiting behind the same washed out red veil and he could hear the survivors shuffling and whispering on their side. Hunters were positioned so they could see the survivors but not the other way around. Today, Joseph could only find interest in a survivor with a mask who was fiddling with a large carrier box,
"He doesn't look like much" Joseph mumbled aloud "Is he really that good at this game?"

2v8 matches always passes quickly. It was much easier to round up survivors when you could communicate with someone. The survivors had completed 4 of the 10 ciphers and had lost half of their team already. All that remained were the doctor, the perfumer, the priestess and Aesop.
Strange. I never bothered to learn the names of the other ones. This one has left an odd impression on me, Joseph mused in his head.

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm trying to focus more on Aesop's POV but I need some of characters input to move the story along. Outside of Aesop's POV, chapters may be shorter.

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