Chapter 18

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Aesop's POV

A meeting as been called.

The survivors and Joseph had been shouting and arguing from all over the hall and the atrium as soon as the primal fear the Host had instilled in them had disappeared. People were arguing for the spots in the matches, people were still reeling from the pain and the power the Host had, even William could barely shout through the hubbub of it all so they could speak properly.

The memory of the Host's presence made Aesop feel ill, nauseous and like a knife was trying to crack his skull apart. He was almost jealous that the Host hasn't twisted his mind to take away the memory of them. More importantly to make him forget their plan of what was to happen to them.

He know what the Host had done.

One of them was going to die. It was inevitable, he glanced up at Joseph, peering into the endless ocean within his eyes. Did he know? He was gripping Aesop's shoulder and he looked a bit tired but other than that he was looking at the conversation unfolding in front of them with the other survivors indifferently, he looked alert even. Aesop searched his features, engraining his face into his memory, his expression of quiet confidence. A twisted voice in the back of his mind wondered if it was the last time he would be able to looking at him like this.

"It's a god!" Fiona insisted, "This is their divine intervention, we must make sacrifices to appease them. How else could we explain that immense presence?"

"What does it matter?" Vera interjected, "We have an opportunity to escape. I don't care if it's a god or a omnipotent donkey, I'm taking the chance to get out of here." This only sent more yells of disagreement up like a flurry of dust from the table.

Aesop vaguely registered her words. He was staring down at the grey tablecloth and broken bits of crockery but his mind was filled with Joseph. He must've figured it out. Joseph was not a dim man. Aesop could feel his heart aching wretchedly in his chest like it was trying to dispose of itself before Aesop could properly process what was happening. He had a sickening gut feeling that Joseph was so clear headed because he had already decided on their fate, he was going to sacrifice himself.

Aesop barely felt conscious, but he had gathered that Servais and Kurt had taken two of the remaining spots, arguing that they were two of the oldest and deserved to get out and have a life to live while they still could. Many were still dissatisfied with this choice, greedily vouching for the space for themselves but the majority had resigned their campaigns. It was too much of a hassle to argue and some survivors felt they had unfinished business within the manor (particularly for certain couples dotted around the table).

Aesop thought they were talking as if Joseph wasn't even there, unable to listen to their declaration to sacrifice Joseph's life for their own freedom. He felt pangs of irritation sparking in his stomach at this however Joseph kept steely determination as he did before.

"I should take the last spot." Eli interjected. No one else was volunteering, they were either still trying to fully comprehend the situation or too fearful that this would be a trick.

Not even Joseph argued. This confirmed Aesop's suspicions. The man that was willing to beat Eli senseless out of jealousy a few days ago was now willing to let him stay with Aesop because Joseph knew that Eli would look after him in his own stead. Joseph was going to give himself up because he wasn't willing to kill his lover and three others for his own life. And Aesop knew this. He had learnt the ins and outs of Joseph so well over the course of the relationship that reading his thoughts was as easy as staring into the mirror. He knew that, despite Joseph's role, he wasn't violent and he cherished life. The only selfish bone in Joseph's body is when it came to Aesop.

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