The Psycho Team Leader

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A girl who is full of madness.
A girl who avoids sadness.
The pain of others makes her weak.
A girl who is strict and funny.


            She woke up with a lazy attitude. She sluggishly put on her sport outfit and went jogging on the streets. After an hour, she was back.
     She quickly freshened up and wore her clothes. Wearing a black shirt with dark blue trousers and knee high boots, she reached into her closet for her jacket. She stuffed some clothes into a duffel bag and slung it over her shoulder as she skipped downstairs.

      "Good morning, sweetheart." Barb greeted her daughter casually as she hugged her.
"I'm not gonna be home for a few days so please take of yourself," she said to her mother.
    "You're the one I'm worried about. Make sure you sleep and don't skip your meals, okay?"

"I can't promise you that last part," she picked an apple and walked to the door. "Bye mum."

      After dumping her bag into the backseat, she pulled out of the driveway onto the streets. This time, she wasn't going to the police station. She was headed to the headquarters the government had provided for the Canary operation.
She pulled up in front of a shoe store.

       Picking everything she needed from the car, she walked into the store with her sunglasses. A lady walked up to her with a smile and said,"How may I help you?"

"Canary." Tess replied her in a low voice.
"Follow me."

    She was led through a passageway until she reached a door.
"You can always enter from the back door so you won't be noticed. I'm Agent Lex." She saluted Tess.

"Thanks Lex."

       After Lex left, Tess leaned slowly against the door and heard chattering inside. She took a deep breath, popped a gumball into her mouth and opened the door.


      Perhaps it was her aura that made everyone silent? Everyone in the room went still as Tess entered. It wasn't out of fear or respect. It was out of admiration.

    She walked around them and dropped her stuff on a random table. They all turned to her and began to salute her.

"Eva Hamilton!"
"David Houghlin!"
"Diana White!"
"Mitch Griffin," he said as he smirked.

  "I never asked for your names," Tess replied them calmly. She turned to Caleb, "Are you sure these are the ones I picked?"

He nodded in affirmative.

"Their resumés looked a lot more attractive than them." She commented.

She looked around and counted the desks.

Five, perfect.

"Who's the tech expert?"

     One of the ladies raised her hand meekly.
"Your name?"

"Diana White."
       Diana was a brunette. She was dressed in a grey shirt with grey trousers and black Jordans. Her large rimmed glasses rested on her face.

Nerd alert.

   Tess smiled inwardly to herself.
"You can have that seat."
            She pointed to a desk that looked different from the others. It was attached to the wall alongside a lot of blinky gadgets.

"Caleb, do me a favor and give them," she pointed to the rest,"theirs, I have to do something."

     She went out through the backdoor and looked around. It was a perfect location. They won't be suspected if they moved in and out of the place. After a few minutes, she went back inside.

      Everyone was already settled down. She walked to the front and started.
"I'm Tess Harvey. I've been appointed to train you guys for a special operations team called Canary. I'm sure you've heard a lot of rumors surrounding the creation of this team but I'd advise you to stick to the facts. Any questions?"

    A hand was raised. It was Mitch. He was dressed moderately. A big hoodie and blue baggy pants covered his nakedness. His hair color was kinda like a mixture of butter and yellow.
"Are you married?"

"I'm not sure how that is related to the briefing I just gave but, no. Thanks for asking."

      She carried her bag into her own office. It looked shabby as expected. She dropped it beside her desk and fell into her chair. She pressed a button on her table.
"Caleb." She released it.

  "You called for me?" He entered.
"Do we have any cases?"

   "No, not yet."
"Not even cold cases?" She asked with a look of disbelief.
"We aren't assigned to anything yet."

"Okay, how trained are those rookies?" She asked as they both looked in their direction.

"For the police force, they're well trained. They have a little knowledge about undercover operations but it's not gonna be enough."

"Okay," she removed the gumball from her mouth. "Let's start training them."

"Today?" He asked.
"Right now."

"Assemble them, I'll be out in a minute."

     After Caleb was out, she made a quick call to Johnson.

"You're a bad bitch, you've got nothing to worry about."
"I'm not worried about training them, I'm afraid they'll run away." She sighed.

"You're right, you can be a real piece of work sometimes."

"And that's what makes me, me."
"Just act normal. This ain't the first time you're being a team leader." He advised.

"I guess you're right, later." She disconnected the call.

      As she got out of her office, they were already waiting for her.
"Come on," she headed towards the back door.
They entered their van and Caleb took the wheel.

   "So, we're gonna start with your aim, then perseverance and intelligence. You need to be good in at least one of these aspects for you to remain in my team." She explained to them. "I'm not gonna entertain mistakes and apologies, I can be very scary."

      In a few minutes, they arrived at the training ground. She handed their ammunition over to them. They were each lined in front of a aim paper.

"Positions!" Caleb called as they all adjusted their poise. "Fire!" They covered their ears as the rookies fired. "Fire!" He repeated again. After saying that for a reasonable period of time, their papers were collected. They all did well for starters but there was a paper that garnered attention.

"Eva?" Tess called out. "Is this your paper?"
She nodded.
"Wow," Tess smiled to herself. "This is promising."

Eva had managed to hit the bullseye a lot of times.

      This good news probably felt refreshing.

The rest were good too but not as good as she was.

    Tess brought out a paper and marked Eva's and wrote, "Lead."

"Let's move on to the next level," she signalled.

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