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    "Why did you kiss me?" Tess asked Jason.
They had moved away from the team.
"Is that the first thing you're gonna say to me? I've been here missing you like crazy."

  "Why didn't you scream when you were being taken away?" She hit on the chest, hard.

   "I was so worried! I kept assuring everyone that you were gonna show up and I almost became crazy! Luke was frustrating me so much and I was already having a hard time. We didn't have a clue about where you were or who took you! Then, you show up and asked if I missed you! Are you crazy? I couldn't even tell your grandma!" She was crying.

    "Tess, are you crying because of me?" He pulled her closer.
"Who's crying?" She wiped her tears. "Do you think you're that important?"

"I'm sorry," he pulled her into a hug. "I should have screamed and asked you to save me."

   She was still sobbing.
"I thought you had left me too," she pulled his shirt. "Everyone keeps leaving me."
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise."


        "You didn't see anyone?" Caleb asked again, unable to believe his ears.

   "When Tess left, I was waiting in the car. Suddenly, a car parked beside me. I didn't give a lot importance to it so I sat back and relaxed. Then, my car door was pulled open. Before I could say anything, a pice of cloth was placed over my nose. I think I passed out. When I woke up, I was in a white room. All white. I saw a camera. I knew they were watching so I started throwing tantrums, threatening them to let me go. They didn't even attend to me. They let me wear myself out. When I woke up again, something was released into the room. It looked like fumes. It knocked me out pretty fast," he explained.

    "And then?" Diana pushed.
"When I woke up, I was in front of my house with nothing but my underwear, my phone and this weird mark," he showed them a mark on his shoulder.

  "It's an injection mark," Tess rubbed his shoulder that had swelled up really bad. "It was done wrongly,he's an amateur."

  "So, once again, we have no idea who did this to you," David sighed.
"No clue."

"It's such a relief that you're back," Mitch patted Jason's back.
"Yeah, I hope it doesn't leave any trauma." He scratched his nape.

  "Team dinner tonight," Caleb said suddenly. "Who's in?"
"I know I am," Eva raised her hand.
"I'm in."
"Me too."

    "Then it's settled," Mitch finalized. "Our team leader is paying," he winked at her.
"I never said I was coming," she threw her hands up in defense. "
"Well you are," Jason said.
"You're not even part of the team," Tess corrected.
"I know I am," he murmured.

"I told you guys I was gonna treat you to dinner but not tonight."
"Please come," Diana pleaded. "You have to at least treat us to a nice meal before you leave."

"Okay fine, make sure to book an expensive place. Jason's paying," she said and walked out.
"Wait, what?" He followed her.

   "You should rest," she pushed him towards his car.
"This is why they say a wife is needed," he turned around and pulled her in. "I mean, look at us now, looking like newlyweds," he winked.
"Ew," she kneed him in the balls and walked off. "Get some rest!"

    "Is he gone?" Caleb asked when Tess walked back in and she nodded.
"I really hope he doesn't develop PTSD," Diana typed.
"Aren't you guys suffocated in here?" Tess asked them.
"It is a little bit small for all of us but it's fine," Caleb assured her.
"How about the girls take my room in my house and you guys can share the cottage?"

   "You would really do that for us?" Eva raised an eyebrow.
"Of course, we're a team. Wherever I go, my team follows."
"So emotional," Mitch wiped a fake tear off his face.

   "So, Diana," Tess called out.
"Are you in a relationship?"
   Diana choked on her own saliva.

  Mitch rushed to her side and hit her back gently.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine, thanks."
"I don't think that question was enough for you to choke on," Tess smirked.
"Is she really in a relationship?" Eva stood up.
"Can't you see the glow?" Tess teased.
"What glow?" She coughed awkwardly.
"I'm happy for you two," she congratulated them.
"You two?" Caleb asked. "Her boyfriend is here?"
"Mitch!" David said suddenly.

     "What?" He looked clueless.
"It's you," Caleb walked towards him.
"This is a weird match," Eva eyed them. "The outgoing guy and the introverted girl?"

  "It's a nice match," Tess smiled.
"Sorry we didn't tell you guys earlier," Mitch admitted shyly.
"Normally, I don't approve of my teammates dating but I'm curious about your relationship."

  "Are we that weird?" Diana pushed her glasses back.
"No, it's not like that," Tess shook her head. "It's just that you have really different personalities. Mitch likes to party, wear colorful things. He's very extroverted. You on the other hand seem very quiet. You tend to deal with your problems without saying anything to anyone. It really is a weird pair but I trust you to keep him on track."

    "Thanks guys," Mitch said as he hugged Diana.
"KISS! KISS! KISS!" Caleb started chanting.
"Are you crazy?" Diana went wide-eyed.
"KISS!" Everyone else joined in the chant.
"I guess you really have to," Tess urged them.
"Come on," Mitch winked at Diana.
   She was really shy.

    It was a quick one. More like a peck.

"Not very satisfying," Caleb commented.
"But we accept it," David bowed.
"Congratulations!" Eva squealed.
"Stop it," Caleb blocked his ears. "You're gonna make me go deaf."

      Tess smiled as he looked at them banter. They think nobody knows about them either. She wished her everyday life was filled with this much happiness. A life where she wouldn't have to worry about anything. A life where she was loved.

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