chapter three

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I WAKE UP and am awakened by sun rays. my eyes flutter open. i'm still on the beach, in the same place i was last night when i fell asleep. the extinguished fire in front of me was only smoking a little, as it probably hadn't been out long. my friends were gone, probably in their tents. i try to get up, but it's no use, something had me firmly in its grip. i turn around slightly to see who it is and find a sleeping boy with brown curly hair. holy shit. what happened? i carefully lay back down in the position i woke up from and look at him. Tom. his messy hair is lying in strands across his face, a small curl forming on the strand hanging over his forehead. his mouth is slightly open and his warm breath hits my forehead. i carefully take my hand and stroke his loose strands out of his face to get more visibility. just as i want to take my hand back, his eyes open slightly. two brown orbs slowly find their way into my eyes. as soon as they meet, a smile flits across his face. he yawns and pulls me a little closer to him, which i can't complain about because it's really cold. his hand rests gently on my hip, while his other arm lies under me and he holds my back with his hand. i put my hands on his chest and look at the sleepy boy.

"good morning" i say softly while i can't help but smile. "good morning love." the dark haired boy across from me replies. "what are we doing out here anyway?" i ask him lightly. while he takes his hand off my hip and rubs his eyes. "you fell asleep on me so cute last night, i didn't want to wake you up by carrying you into one of the tents." i blush at the thought of falling asleep on tom in front of all these people. EMBARRASSING. he takes his hand out of his face and strokes my loose strands behind my ear, "no need to blush sweetheart." and by god i'm getting redder. i lower my head a little further so he can't see me. a beautiful laugh leaves his mouth and he pulls me closer to him with a kiss on my head. millions of butterflies gather in my stomach and i have goose bumps all over my body. we lie there like that for a while without talking much. we enjoy the sunrise while life around us slowly began. the first birds fly over our heads as we hear voices from the tents.

i look up to get a better look at tom. his face is slightly illuminated by the sun, he looks golden and his hazel brown eyes look dreamily into the sky while he draws little circles on my hip with his thumb. he looks at me "unfortunately this moment has to end already" i say to him quietly, just loud enough for him to hear. "no one is saying this moment won't happen again... right?" he says hesitantly and nervously while his eyes switch between my eyes and lips. "whenever you want." i reply, very confidently. his lips curl up into a huge grin. "tonight. be at my car by 9, darling." he hisses quickly before pressing a short but sweet kiss to my forehead and standing up.

oh god, this boy is driving me crazy.

after a long breakfast, with lots of eye contact with my new lover, we decide to go for a swim. since we're at the beach, we have to take advantage of it. the boys borrow surfboards while Liv and i head out to change.
when we were done, we went back to the beach with the boys already in the water. Liv shakes her head laughing "no way you can keep that boy out of the water for even 5 minutes" i laugh in response and hold out my hand to her, my facial expression asking if she would go in the water with me. she gives me a smirk, takes my hand and we walk to the water together. while my brother was already surfing, well at least trying to, Harrison and Tom are waiting for us on the shore. i notice Tom's eyes scanning my half naked body which honestly makes me very insecure. "finally" yells Haz, jumping off his board and within seconds his arms are wrapped around the poor Liv he dove into the water with. Tom and I share a laugh as we see the look on Liv's face as she resurfaces totally wet. "i hate you Harrison Osterfield." she gasps and punches him, in response he throws her into the water again. for once in your life it's good not to have a boyfriend.

i look at Tom and he looks at me very expectantly. i look at him questioningly as he gently taps the board in front of him. "oh no, forget it. i can't do it." he throws his head back and laughs "that's what i'm here for darling." i get in reply. i roll my eyes playfully and move towards him. carpe diem friends. i carefully sit down on the rutish board while Tom holds my hip with his hand to keep me from falling off. we slowly paddle further and further back, his one hand still gently resting on the naked skin of my hip, which was not covered by my bikini and even that sends shivers down my spine. when we finally get to the deeper area, he stops. i see Liv trying to stand on Harrison's board, unsuccessfully and falling into the water again and again, anyway i won't feel any different. Charlie is much further back, but also seems to be talking to a girl. i'll support you from here bro. Tom snaps me out of my thoughts as he suddenly puts his wet arms around me from behind, my heart starts beating like crazy.

my heart doesn't calm down at all from the fact that he is so affectionate with me, as i notice how his body leans further and further to the right, which causes the board to tip and thus we fall into the water. i resurface as fast as i can "you idiot!" i say while gasping for air. "did you seriously think i would let you get away so innocently and above all dry?" he laughs, his hand reaching out for me as we swim in the water. "how am i supposed to get back up there now?" i complain as his hand searches underwater for my hip. when he finally finds it, he gently pulls me close to him. "you can hold on to me for now darling." and without waiting a moment i swing my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso, gasping for air. our faces are inches apart while he keeps us both afloat with small movements.

"can you hold your breath for a moment love?" he whispers, his eyes finding their way to my lips again and again. i nod in response and he stops moving, causing us to submerge. but before i can process all the water around us, i feel his soft lips on mine. butterflies flow through my entire body and i couldn't help but smile into this sweet kiss i don't hesitate to kiss him back as he works to bring us back up to the air. my body and my head are still not processing the information as i feel a cool breeze on my head again, my arms still wrapped tightly around the neck of the boy who holds me tightly to not part our lips. he starts to kiss me more which makes me lean my head back a bit but we are interrupted by a "WOOOOHOOOO" which can't come from any other mouth than Harrison's. dork.

a few hours later, freshly showered and in fresh clothes, i sneak away from the others to Tom's car. he's already waiting, leaning against the car and greeting me with a grin. he opens the door for me like a gentleman and i gratefully get in. we drive for some time, jamming, no idea where to, when his hand finds its way to my thigh. i flinch briefly at first, but it doesn't bother me at all. we're driving along a long winding road when he suddenly stops at the side of the road and grins at me. "what's the matter for that grin, weirdo?" i ask with a nervous laugh. "you don't know what a beautiful view i have" i turn my head and see how right he is. from here you have the most beautiful view over the coast, i sink into the sight. Tom carefully takes my hand and looks at me "i meant you darling. although the sunset is beautiful too. but you look positively golden in the light and definitely more stunning than anyone i ever met" he says laughing, making me blush. his hand gently holds my chin as he brings my face to him with a slight tug, connecting our lips a second time today, for the sweetest and loveliest kiss.

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