chapter four

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THE NEXT MORNING i wake up to the sound of birds chirping, which to be honest can be "the worst thing to wake up to" to quote my best friend Abby. i pull my blanket over my head but quickly pull it back down because it's so damn warm in here. Charlie and I share a tent, he doesn't seem to care much that we're standing in the middle of the sun as he happily sleeps on with two blankets over his body. i slowly make my way to the opening of the tent as the creature next to me moves. "are you sneaking off again to join your beloved?" my brother asks in his deep morning voice. "ha ha ha, funny. i just wanted to get up." he laughs and rubs his eyes.

"come on tell me" he says as he drops his arms next to him. i look at him in wonder, not knowing what he is getting at. "oh don't look at me so stupid" he says while laughing, in reply i stick my tongue out at him. "you know exactly what i mean!" he whispers with a wink, i hate it when he does that. "maybe i do, but why should i tell you? none of your business." i answer with a wink and before i could say another word, the boy wraps his arms around me and throws me over his shoulder and runs to the water.

"forget it you idiot!" i protest and pound my fists on his bare back. a laugh leaves his mouth and the next moment we both land in the ice cold water, due to the fact that it was only 8am. i surface and gasp for air before i start punching the tall boy in front of me. "you're such a moron Charlie!" i yell as i wipe the water off my face. he just laughs and says "your fault if you don't tell me."

"I wouldn't even know what to tell you, I don't even know what it is between Tom and me" I say while blushing a little. "then i'll ask him." my brother says as he runs out of the water back to land and to the tents. the others have already crawled out of the tents, which doesn't surprise me after i scream like a crazy woman.
i gulp at the sight of a topless Tom standing in front of his tent in just his boxers and yawning. his messy hair falls in his face and he quickly runs his hand through the tousled curls. i can't say anything else about Harrison either, sorry Liv, but damn. we really picked the best looking guys here. i slowly get out of the water, only now noticing that i'm only wearing a long t-shirt and my underwear, but the others don't seem to care, because Tom's gaze is glued to me.

i continue walking towards them, my gaze lowered to the sand, as i was already a bit embarrassed when i hear Tom and Charlie laughing. oh god, he didn't ask him seriously, did he? Tom's gaze turns away from Charlie and swivels to me, a smile forming on his lips. the beautiful smile i love so much.

Charlie swings his arm around my shoulders "she deserves it, the little diva" he says to Tom and only gets a roll of the eyes from me in response. "I'll go and get changed" I answer annoyed, while I do my best not to look at Toms abs, which costs me infinite control. Liv and I end up going to a public bathroom nearby, showering and getting ready for the day, although today will actually consist of nothing but driving. "has Charlie told you about the others we're going to meet today?" asks Liv gently as she ties her hair. "no not at all, why?" she looks at me with wide eyes "listen bestie, i don't want to be the one to warn you, but unfortunately i have to be." she says suddenly and i look at her in wonder. "spill the tea."

"so first you should know there are five other girls that will be joining us, three girls and two guys. the guys are hot, not gonna lie, but i wouldn't mess with the girls. i also like to call them the three bad s. serena, sabrina and soulin. information? all three of them have a crush on Tom and Harrison. i think that's enough information for you." my eyes widen as she looks at me with a very serious look. "i'm serious Yn. keep an eye on Tom. it's not like he wants anything from any of them, however they are constantly flirting and taking every chance they get." the brown haired girl in front of me says before hugging me "but don't worry, i won't leave you alone with them." i hug her back sweetly and thank her for the information. we walk back outside, a wave of warm air blowing directly into my face. the boys have already packed everything up and into the cars, all they are waiting for is us.

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