Not beyond our reach

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She smiles at me,chewing into the delicious pizza,still covered in flour though,but its good.
I can see in her eyes she really cares for me...and i wish i could express how much much i needed this,but im so bad with my words.

Her eyes light up everytime i smile,which only makes me want to smile more,as if her happiness is contagious,probably is.
"Hay..thank you.." i say softly to her, its not much but..i want her to know i appreciate this..all of this
"No need to thank me,you needed this and i was more then happy to help you" mangle smiles at me,her most wonderful makes me not sure..

Before we knew it,the entire pizza was gone, well except for one piece that we both reach for
Our hands touch,and our gazes meet
"O-oh sorry,you can have the last one" she says quickly
"N-nono you can" i smile in return
She giggles
"Dont make me throw flour at you again" she says teasingly,making me laugh
"And loose again?" He say with a grin
She rolls her eyes and giggles
"Fiiiiine ill have it" mangle faints adorable annoyance,which only made my smile spread

Honestly i could help but watch as she eats,finding myself lost,unable to look away

Mangles P.O.V

I soon nommed down that last piece happily, my tail swaying

But then i noticed he had some cheese on his cheek
"Hay you got something on your cheek" i say
"I do?"he tried to find it with his hand but i stopped him
"Iv got it" and licked it off his cheek,which he looked surprised by.
With a sly giggle i say
"Got it" and watch him slowly blush

We Are The Same,you And I  (bonnie x mangle) Where stories live. Discover now