Kanniu and (Y/n)'s training! A test of progress

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Two weeks had passed since the Zero/Nanite attack. Mostly everyone had recovered from that day in body, some however had trouble mentally recovering. One of these people was our heroes' new ally, Six.

Cream and Six watched students head to their classes. Will came to the powerhouse duo with bandages wrapped around his head and arms. Cream notices him and smiles while waving at him.

Cream: Aye! There he is!

Six looks at Will with a puzzled look.

Six: I thought you'd be in the hospital still. Didn't they say you had two weeks left?

Will shook his head and comes in between Six and Cream.

Will: I've had worse injuries. Plus, I have a really cool ability besides just lightning. It's like a slower healing factor. Of course the nurse wouldn't let me leave quietly so I just said put some bandages on me, give me a prescription for some meds and I'll take it easy for a week.

Cream raised a brow.

Cream: She actually did that?

Will nods and holds up the prescription sheet.

Will: I have my ways of convincing people. That and my charms.

Six rolls her eyes.

Six: What charms?

She teases making Cream giggle while Will grows a deadpanned look on his face. Directed at the android girl beside him.

Will: I'm taking this from a walking power generator with hair and a number for a name?

Will counters as he crosses his arms and leans against a wall. His remark gains an unpleasant stare from Six.

Six: I didn't ask to be named after a number!

Will let's out a small laugh.

Will: Okay then. You're your own woman now. Decide a name for yourself then.

He says in a snarky way. Six goes bright red and huffs before crossing her arms and looking away from him with a pout.

Six: Fine! I will.

She shouts as her pout turns into a smile as she closes her eyes, keeping her arms crossed. The trio sit there in silence for a while. Six's smile fades as she sweat drops and fidgets with her right leg going in a constant up and down motion.

Six: ...Veronica?

She blurts out randomly. The name idea causes Cream to look at Six up and down and squint.

Cream: Mmm....You don't strike me as a Veronica.

Six pouts again while Will looks at Cream.

Will: Well in fairness, you don't look like a Cream, Cream. How your parents came up with that name for you is a mystery.

He states. Silence overcomes the trio again when suddenly, Will's eyes go wide as he looks at Cream.

Will: You're parents didn't name you after the way you were made did they.

Cream and Six recoil back.

Cream: Ewww! Will!

Will: Sorry Sorry! Like I said, it's a mystery.

He says as he puts his hands up defensively then crosses them again.

Will: And...I just so happen to like mysteries...

Six looks at Cream before scooting over a little.

Six: What do I strike you as, Cream?

She asks, now is desperation and wonder of a new name for herself.

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