Prologue! Part 2

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You were currently in the air with all four of your limbs stretched out. The wind blew in your hair as you were concentrating. Someone flies beneath you making you gasp and fall, only to be caught by the man flying beneath you.

Kanniu: Good work (Y/n). Just next time don't let a surprise be what stops you from flying.

He rubs your back as you look up at your adoptive father and smile.

It has been nearly 3 months since Kanniu and Candy took you in. In the meantime, Kanniu has been training you on how to use your ki. From turning them into powerful attacks to learning how to fly and float in the air. The fly and float part still needed work but it wasn't that which was your concern.

As you landed in front of your house which was a wooden shack that was two stories high, you saw a pink girl with red eyes watching you guys. She was about a year older than you and looked a bit more like Candy, your adoptive mother.

Her pink antenna on top of her head twitched as she stood up.

???: Hey Dad!

Kanniu smiled and waved as you were behind his leg.

Kanniu: Hey Cream.

Cream. She was your adoptive sister. When you guys first met, let's just say she wasn't impressed.

Cream: So how did it go?

Kanniu: Everything went alright. Just need to keep trying. He'll get their eventually.

Cream nods and turns towards the door.

(Y/n): H-Hi Cream.

She doesn't respond as she walks inside. Your tail falls down to your feet as you give a sad expression. Kanniu notices and ruffles your hair.

Kanniu: Hey don't take it personally, she'll grow on you.

You didn't look up at him and slowly walked to the door as your tail wrapped around your waist.

Upon entering you look around to see Candy making food. Kanniu follows after you and looks at his wife.

Kanniu: How's the cooking going?

Candy looks at him.

Candy: It will be done soon.

You climb up onto a chair and rest your elbow on the counter while also resting your head on your open hand.

Candy notices and goes to you.

Candy: Hey buddy what's wrong?

You look up at your adoptive Majin mother and shrug.

(Y/n): I'm alright. Just, was hoping dad would teach me how to use Ki for attacks.

Candy looks at Kanniu.

Kanniu: Well I guess we can test your punches tomorrow and get a little bit of combat training in, how does that sound?

This comment makes your tail sway side to side as you smile widely.

Kanniu: Cream you want to come?

Cream looks up from the table she was sitting at.

Cream: Maybe. I'd rather train by myself thanks.

Your tail comes to a stop as you look away sad. Kanniu notices and looks at Cream.

Kanniu: Come on Cream. It would be some good family time.

Cream scoffs.

Cream: He's not family. Just a kid you found a couple of months ago.

Kanniu and Candy: Cream!

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