Nana x Michiru 🏳️‍🌈❤

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Reqest: None
Warnings: LGBTQIA+, romance

"Nana - shan? Where are you?" Michiru asked, looking for Nana.

"Michiru! I'm over here!" Nana yelled, her voice was scratchy, and she was coughing.

"Nana - shan!" Michiru yelled as she ran to Nana. Nana was laying on the floor, coughing, sniffling, shivering. Michiru felt Nana's forehead before gasping. "Nana - shan! You're sick!" Michiru said.

"Michiru... I'm cold..." Nana mumbled.

"Oh, Nana - shan." Michiru said, picking Nana up bridal style. Michiru took Nana to her dorm before laying the bi hair colored girl on her bed. Michiru covered Nana. "Nana - shan, if there's anything I can get you, just tell me, and I'll get it." Michiru said.

"Can you please get me some water...? I'm thirsty..." Nana mumbled before coughing.

"Of course." Michiru said and went to get Nana some water. Michiru came back with some water and helped Nana to drink it.

"Thanks, Michiru..." Nana mumbled. Michiru smiled and kissed Nana's forehead.

"Your welcome, Nana - shan, I love you." Michiru said.

"I love you too..." Nana mumbled. Nana pulled Michiru close to her and snuggled against the blonde. Michiru smiled softly and held Nana tightly.

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