Chapter 21

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I leaned back into my seat, eager to fall asleep so that I wouldn't have to face the long journey

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I leaned back into my seat, eager to fall asleep so that I wouldn't have to face the long journey. It had been exactly three hours since we were all up in the air in Mr.Bradshaw's private plane. I was still shaking with anxiety but I made sure to drink lots of bubbly to calm my crazy nerves.

I looked around the plane, thinking everyone was sound asleep. Hunter wasn't sleeping, I came to realize. He was scrolling through his phone, eyebrows furrowed with concentration and annoyance. I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing and what he was thinking.

The last time we had an actual conversation (more like a screaming match) was at the dinner Grayson and Beth hosted a few weeks ago. Since then, I had been going to work in my usual manner...only Hunter was nowhere to be seen at the Diner. Which meant that Hunter and I hadn't spoken this whole time.

I missed him.

Even though he hurt me, again. I still missed him and our stupid, love-hate relationship. Call me crazy, but Hunter just felt like home. Like a toxic, unhealthy home. Yet it was still home and you constantly found yourself running back every time. I don't know. I couldn't even begin to explain what I was feeling for him.

His eyes caught mine staring his way. Their usual brown was unusually light, almost calling my name with their sincerity.

I gulped, frowning.

He opened his mouth slightly, searching for the right words. My heart clenched, waiting for what he had to say. There was an entire aisle of emptiness between his row and mine but in the moment...I felt incredibly close to him.

''Scar,'' He gulped, his eyes crinkled with sadness.

''Hunter,'' I mimicked him.

''I...'' He struggled, glancing at Brittany who was sound asleep beside him. I caught his eyes dancing between her face and her stomach, where a tiny bump was already visible. ''I can't, Scar'' He finally said, before looking away.

My heart screamed at my mind to tell him the truth. To tell him that Brittany was lying about the baby, that the baby wasn't even his. That we could still save everything.

But my mind refused to listen to my heart. For Tyler, who was asleep next to me.

He had a plan and I had agreed to help him with it. I couldn't out him, against his will. I couldn't ruin his life, just because it would benefit mine. I wasn't like his sister. I wasn't selfish, ever. Even if that's how some people saw me.

''Maybe,'' I began just as Brittany started to stir in her sleep. Hunter looked up again, waiting for me to finish what I started. ''Maybe someday'' I smiled, eyes brimmed with tears.

His expression turned into one of pure agony as he nodded at my words, ''Maybe''.

I turned away to face the small airplane window, tears streaming down my face. Everything in me told me to look at him again, but the sound of Brittany's sleepy voice shut down every craving to do so. I couldn't let her see I was emotional. She'd know why.

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