Eyulf's Past Life

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        One day at the land of Hope, there were lots of lots of trees and plains that made the land soo beautiful. It was also known as the "Place of Joy". And in that place it was very very fun to live!! You can see kids playing together, spending  time with their friends and families and not just that we also have time to celebrate with other families. It was really fun to be in there and that is where I lived. Here let me introduce you to my place!! We, wolves are not just us, we also have great leaders who brings us and also the land. Our leader was very great and brings peace and order to our land. Our leader, called Adolf has 2 sons. His sons' name are Apollo and Aron, both of then are enough to lead the land when their leader (Father) dies. Apollo, is a righteuos wolf and cares about his friends and obeys his father, while Aron is a very rude wolf to everyone and even to his father. Aron was soo very jealous to Apollo because almost everything was given to him by his father, while he recieves nothing but blame. Aron does not obey his father on what he said, he even mocks and gets mad. Adolf has no choice but to leave his son behind, Adolf could not punish Aron because of his great love to him. And one thing, Aron only thought that his father hated him because he always gets blammed and did not recieve anything from him or just even a gift that make him happy. But remember, Aron is a very disobedient son of Adolf. Then one day, Adolf died because of old age, the elders of the land decided to let everyone know about this and told every wolves in the Land of Hope that they should need a new leader and they have to decide who should they vote, Aron or Apollo. Then when Aron heard this he was very happy that his father died and he could blast off with tears of joy, and then Aron made a dirty plan to his brother Apollo and he will kill him so that he can be the next new leader. So Aron called Apollo to come with him at the forest, a very lonely forest in Hope which no one lived. So Apollo followed him as what Aron said. On few miles away from their home, Aron growled and killed Apollo by kicking him on to Apollo's face, scratch him and threw him away off the cliff. Then Aron came back to their home acting like nothing happened. Then he told the elder armies that Apollo was lost and he could not find him, so the armies went and look for Apollo but could not found him. Then after looking for 12 days they gave up looking for him and announced to all the wolves in the Land of Hope that Apollo is dead. And they decided that Aron will be the new leader in their land. Aron was very very happy that he turned into a leader, and this is where the darkness begins.

        After 1 month he commanded his armies to force other wolves to leave their shelters and their lands for the growth of his base and for his armies, he even kills others if they won't obey him. And for some of the families, they killed every family members except their sons and daughters, he will took the kids and torture and abuse them and trained them to be his army.

       Everyone was very scared of what is happening, all of us did not expect that this might happen to our land, Hope. There was a little curios wolf about what is happening, his name is Eyulf. Eyulf had no idea what is happening, he is just a little innocent kid. He is a very playful kid who loves to play on his own. He does not have many friends yet he enjoys to play with his own. The parents of Eyulf are very mad because to the leader because they killed many of the wolves. If they give their land away, how could they live? If hey do give it away, they are still captured and turn their kid/s into Aron's army. They cannot escape from their land since they had not prepared and have not enough time to escape. So Eyulf's parents have no choice but to fight against them, they hid Eyulf on the base of their house and hearing the cries and shouts from his parents. And they did not last long but died on that day. They look inside the house and yet they found the base and they took Eyulf and send them to their base to train Eyulf. They let all the kids sleep in their base and force them to wake up very early in the morning just to train. Every night Eyulf cried soo hard because he missed his parents.

       His life in their is not very great, Eyulf and the other kids who were captured were abused and hurt. Aron's armies forced them to train and to fight then for the part of their training. Eyulf was just a kid who is weak and almost can't do anything, he had no choice but to follow the commands that they have given to him and to other wolves. Eyulf remained 8 years in there and he is fully trained, but other kids died because they were very tired and some of them keep getting hurt. But still, Eyulf has a big hate to the leader Aron for what he did to his parents and to other kids too. Eyulf planned something and he will escape, he plans to escape during midnight and with heavy bad weather. He waits for a perfect time to come and then it happened. Eyulf killed the 2 guards who were guarding the entrance of their inner base. Since it was raining, some of the armies could not realise it was him walking away outside. After that Eyulf accidentaly bump to a guard, Eyulf was deeply disstressed that he might cause much big trouble and not going to escape. So he had no choice but to fight that guard. No one was watching them, but only two of them were fighting on that place. Eyulf does not like to kill but he had no choice, Eyulf kicked the guard making him to back away. While the guard open his claws and strike it to Eyulf. Eyulf wad badly hurt so he decided to run fast as he can until he can escapes that place. Luckily the gate was still opened but the guards did not even realized that Eyulf was out and ran away.

          While he ran away, Leo the guard who scratched Eyulf went to report their alpha Aron. When Leo told everyting what happened, Aron was very mad and stressed. Aron started to command his armies to hunt Eyulf down and prison him, he sent 20 armies to look for him. While the armies are on their way, Eyulf was very tired and could not run anymore, his scratch was very bad and it bleeds soo much. Then Eyulf started to rest under a big tree. "Halt!!!" Said the army, they started to sniff and smelled Eyulf scent. They followed the scent and prepared for the attack. Eyulf sensed that someone is coming to him, he immediatly stands up and look around if there is actually someone. Few seconds later, the armies saw Eyulf from a distance, they started to run to him. Then Eyulf heard growls and running footsteps then he realized that it was the armies from Aron that was chasing for him. Eyulf ran soo fast that away from them, while 20 of the wolf army were chasing for him. While they were running, Eyulf's eyes started to get blurry and he feels very very tired. He thinks that he has no chance of getting away from them. Eyulf slowed down a bit but then...... Everything he saw turned black, pitch black then he wondered and said in his mind "what's going on?-" but his paws and legs never stopped running. But then, Eyulf fell down and he could not even standup. He closed his eyes and he just gave up and waited to get captured, but then he heard a voice in his mind. "Eyulf.... hey.... pssst" then he replied "huh?", "wake up" said the voice, then Eyulf replied "w-who are you-...?". The voice then replied "I- am your guardian.... But hey, don't give up yet, I can help you-", "you can help me?" Said Eyulf, "But- let me took over in your body" the voice said. Eyulf was very shocked on what he heard, he immediately replied "But- why? Show yourself!!! Who are you???"
Then the voice relplied "You will see but let me help you first then you will earn your freedom and revenge, remember you have been fighting for your whole life for your parents. So don't give up and let me help you this time". Eyulf remained speechless but- when he opened his eyes, his one eye turned red and he stands up slowly. The voice he heard was an evil soul who already been in him since he was a very young child. The soul had pity on Eyulf and it tried to help him. The evil soul went into Eyulf's body and started to took over, he could ran much even faster than before. While the armies kept running, Eyulf hid from them and the armies stopped, then they lost Eyulf from their sight. The armies planned to separate with each other and group into 5 and go look for him, then Eyulf with his evil soul inside him started to show at behind of other 4 wolves walking to look for him. He sneaks onto them and scratched the other 2 to death silently, the other 2 did not even realized about it. Then Eyulf finished the 2 and went away to the other group. Then he saw the other group walking by, his evil soul had fun and he tried to run to them as fast as he can then killed them all in just less than 10 seconds using with his sharp claws. The other 3 groups were lost and they from each other so Eyulf has the advantage here, he met the 3rd group and the 4 of them saw Eyulf, the 4 ran and went to attacked him but it was no match for Eyulf. Eyulf fight them off with his paws and with is very sharp claw, Eyulf got scratched- just a small scratched but he did not mind because Eyulf cannot feel pain. Yet he defeated 4 of them, he did the same as well to the other groups and none of the armies survived. The rain stopped for a bit then the evil soul went away from Eyulf's body. His one red eye turned to its normal color again and Eyulf could not believe what he did and ran away.


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