24-Killed By Gas

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"(Y/N)? Alpha please!" (Y/N) could hear (Name)'s panicked voice trying to reach to her, but her eyelids were far too heavy for her to try and lift.

"Don't you get it already (Name)? Your parents sold you to me, and she took you away from me. From your true alpha!" (Y/N) could hear Hydra scream.

"You weren't my alpha then, and you aren't going to ever be!" (Name) screamed back. Right after that a loud slap was heard, then (Name) whimpered.

(Y/N) growled and opened her eyes with great difficulties.

She was in another room, the walls purely from metal this time. She was chained just like before. Looking around she saw a big monitor before her.

On that monitor she saw Hydra standing before (Name). (Name) was submissively kneeling before her, in a vulnerable position and chained to the wall. (Y/N) could see sweat glistening on his whole body, a clear sign that his heat has been going for a few hours, without any help whatsoever. It was both a good and bad news.

"Do you not understand? She's not going!" Hydra screamed and (Name) whimpered, tears streaming down his face. (Y/N)'s eyes burned alpha red.

"She is! She promised!" (Name) screamed, but it was clear even he was losing hope. (Y/N) grabbed at the chains and tugged at them tightly. They didn't budge.

"You know what? Your so lovely alpha is now in a torture chamber. And you have the front seat to that show! Enjoy seeing that thief get killed" Hydra said and forced (Name) to kiss her. Right after that another monitor was placed before (Name).

(Y/N) tugged again, fueled by anger, protectiveness and her inner alpha. The chains didn't budge, until...


(Name) whined pitifully. His whole body was burning, slick leaking from his butt heavily. It felt like his organs were reorganising themselves and it fucking hurts!

The moment the monitor was placed before him, Hydra walked into a room next to his. They were only separated by a thick panel of glass.

(Name) looked as the woman he loved was suffocated by a gas pouring into the room. (Name) doubled over both in pain coming from his stomach and from his heart. He could hear Hydra laughing.

But then the gas cleared and thank God.

Instead of (Y/N) getting killed, a guard was chained to her place, now swaying limply.

"Whag the..." Hydra said before the door to (Name) was kicked open. Inside walked (Y/N), covered in blood with fangs instead of teeth, claws instead of nails and her eyes bright red.

"Sorry for the long wait honey" (Y/N) said kneeling before (Name). She kissed him passionately and then clawed at the chains until they fell to the ground, now useless.

(Y/N) picked (Name) bridal style, carrying him out of the room.

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