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Anytime Yata got in trouble at the bar or had free time he was hanging out with Asuka. They'd ride around causing hell on their boards, crash at parks so Asuka could spread her wings, or draw up shit tattoos and draw them on each other with sharpie at the tattoo parlor. Yatas stutter had gotten better, only flaring up when he was extremely embarrassed. Asuka had told him more about the little known history of the black king, showing him a bit of her powers. Their little arrangement grew into a strong friendship over the span of a couple of months.

One day as the two were sitting by a stream in a park Asuka confided a great fear of hers to the clansmen. She was shaking as she did so, eyes glossing over as she stared straight ahead. Something fluttered in Yatas heart at the typically happy girls sullen face.

"I fear the day he tries to sell me off to another king. He's said over and over he won't but I'm worth too much money to just have sitting around. I...I think he's going to try to soon. I can feel something bad coming, its heavy in my bones. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be another commodity to be sold or source of power for some corrupt king." A tear slipped down her cheek, quickly brushed away with the back of her hand.

"Come to HOMRA with me. I'm sure Mr. Mikoto will let you join and see you as an equal. We can help keep you safe from him and anyone else that wants to use you!" Yata proposed, eyes soft with concern.

"I don't want to just show up unannounced and throw something like this on you guys. I'd feel horrible if anything were to happen to any of you." Asuka glanced over at Yata with a small smile on her lips.

"Well," Yata started, "how 'bout I talk to Mikoto about it first. I'll see if I can agree to meet you and then we can go from there, how's that sound? But if anything happens, don't be afraid to show up at the bar and ask for me."

Asuka nodded and they fell back into silence. A soft breeze swept through the park, scattering leaves and flower petals throughout. It was a beautiful day for a fear filled confession.




A mere week later everything went to hell.

It was nearing midnight when the front doors of the HOMRA bar were slammed open, a small figure staggered in quickly. All eyes were drawn to the sudden intrusion. The figure ignored the prying eyes and limped its way over to the counter, steadying itself on one of the bar stools. The dark hood that was covering the new comers head was dropped, sending a spike of interest through every ones veins.

"Is Yata here?" The girl asked, voice wavering despite the emotionless look on her face. She was bruised and bloody, barely able to keep herself upright as she waited for a response. The man behind the bar just stared at her, silent and calculative.

"Is Yata Misaki fuckin here or not? Are ya deaf?" She used one hand to make strange motions as she talked once again, voice gaining strength.

"Someone go wake Yata. Can we get you anything while you wait?" The man behind the bar finally spoke, looking over her shoulder to the men behind her. Asuka could hear a set of footsteps leave the room.

"Water and a first aid kit if you've got one, that would be amazing." The dark haired girl said as she sunk down onto the floor. A heavy, pained breath left her lips once  she was seated on the floor. She pulled off her jacket and once again had every ones eyes on her. The same thought passed through all of their minds at once, how the hell does Yata know her?

She was, for once, dressed in tight jeans and a plain tee. Her shirt was borderline ribbons, jagged edges of the fabric stained with her own blood. Her sports bra was the only thing keeping her covered, alongside her own blood smeared to her skin like red paint. On both of her arms there were clear handprints, the edges darkening giving away to the harshness in which she had been grabbed. The left pant leg had been shredded as well, a massive scrape and cut spanned from her kneecap to her ankle. Her cheek was darkening as a cut at her hairline bled, matting her bangs to her forehead. There was another handprint around her pale neck. If the battered appearance of the girl wasn't cause for question than the six inch dagger strapped to her thigh did.

The man from behind the bar knelt down in front of her, a glass of water and a white box. He sat both down beside her silently. She thanked him with a weak smile, ripping off the rest of her shirt as the man left her where she sat. Cautious eyes were on her as she opened the first aid kit and began to clean herself up.

"Try to not bleed on my floors too much." The man spoke. He got no response from the raven haired girl. Quick footsteps came from the stairs behind the bar. When the door was swung open and Yata came barreling off of the stairs all eyes went to him. He rounded the corner of the bar, dropping to his knees' beside her.

"Holy fuck, Asuka." He swore, eyes wandering over the damage.

The raven haired girl only laughed, patting him on the top of his head. He blushed and shook her hand off, shifting how he sat to help her better with her wounds.

"Imma fuckin' kill that bastard." Yata snarled, eyes gaining a dangerous light. Asuka just sighed and shook her head.

"We can scheme later, now you get my back."

Yata grumbled and pulled out an antiseptic wipe and gauze, gently whipping the blood off her back and cleaning around the cuts. She worked on her stomach, silently thanking the gods for not having a single scratch on her chest tattoo. The wipes in the first aid kit weren't going to cut through the blood so she tore a clean strip from her old shirt, dipping it in the glass of water. With the wet cloth she managed to clean the rest of the blood from her stomach. Gently she bandaged up her stomach as Yata did the same to her back. She moved to her arms and cleaned them up best she could, having Yata help her with wrapping bandages around the bigger cuts. She pulled her dagger from her thigh and leaned forward, causing a wave of high alert to flow through the other members of HOMRA. She chuckled at their fear and cut her pant leg off so she could clean that wound. Once she was done with that one she turned to Yata and pointed at her cut, he nodded and gently pulled her matted hair from her forehead, wiping the blood from it before he cleaned and bandaged the cut.

"Can ya stand?" Yata mumbled, adverting his eyes from her.

"Yeah, I'll just need some support." She replied, grabbing onto Yata as he helped her up.

He ignored the murmured questions from his fellow clansmen as he helped Asuka up the stairs. He led her to his bedroom, kicking the door open with his foot. The chestnut haired boy helped her take a seat on the edge of his mattress. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, stifling a yawn as Yata shuffled off to his dresser in the corner. He pulled out a clean tee and a pair of sweatpants, handing them to the girl on his bed. She took them with a smile.

"I'm gonna go try and keep the boys from storming you with questions. Make yourself comfortable." Yata left, closing the door gently behind him. Asuka smiled, gently changing into the clothes from the teen and snuggling into his bed.

When Yata came back into the main room of the bar all eyes were on him. Their king sat on the couch, half asleep. Mikoto watched with foggy eyes as Yata cleaned up the shredded clothing and bloody gauze. When he was done he took a seat at the bar, turning to face the rest of the boys. Mikoto spoke first, slowly and direct like always.

" 's that her?"

"Yeah, that's her."

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