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Sleeping arrangements were actually quite easy to figure out with the new addition of Asuka to the members that lived at the bar. The top floor was all sleeping quarters, comprised of four bedrooms all with private bathrooms. Mikoto, Anna, Izumo, and Yata all lived at the bar. Without any one asking or trying to work anything out with any one else, Asuka shared a bedroom with Yata. The chestnut haired boy didn't even try to protest.

She had staked a silent claim on the side of the bed closest to the wall. And when she was healed enough to fully transform she had taken a spot on the top of the dresser to make a nest. Yata let her do as she pleased, giving her free range to his closet and to make herself home. Asuka did with little fighting. She didn't need much space or anything so she took up very little space. But now, in the passing weeks of living at HOMRA with Yata she had realized something. She had feelings.

Her heart picked up pace with something that wasn't anxiety. She was comfortable in the most compromising situations as long as it was with him. She flushed at his compliments and his compliments only. She loved his resting bitch face and obsession with video games. His laughter was music and made her hear do these little sickening summer saults she loved. The black king had fallen hard for the vanguard of HOMRA, anger issues and blushing and all.

One night she was sitting in bed, knees pulled to her chest and chin resting on top of them. A frown was tight on her face as she stared forward, practically boring a hole into the wall in front of her. She sighed, pulling herself tighter into a ball. Yata walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later only to find Asuka curled into a ball on the bed with tears streaming down her face. He walked over to the bed slowly and sat down. The teenager was blushing and freaking out. He didn't know what to do when girls cried, especially this girl.

"Can can I help help? Or or do do you need spaspase?" He asked, falling back into his old stuttering habit. Asuka looked up at him from her balled up position, eyes glossy with tears. She sat up slowly, wiping her cheeks with the sleeves of one of Yatas hoodies. The crying king reached forward and pulled Yata into a hug.

"I have something I know I should tell you....but I don't wanna lose you.." Asuka whispered, voice cracking unattractively.

Yata just wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly, pulling her close and shifting to sit comfortably. He patted her back softly once he was seated comfortably. Yata had moved so Asuka sat on his lap, her arms around his neck.

"You're not going to lose me, Asuka, I promise." The skater boy finally replied gently, praying that she trusted him.

The crying king sniffled and sighed, squeezing herself closer to Yata. Asuka kept silent for what felt like a long time after Yata spoke, weighing her options. Now she had more to lose, but she had more to gain. With a finalizing hum she pulled herself away from Yata. Gently she cupped his face, staring straight into Yatas eyes, her own rimmed red and fuzzy.

"I'm pretty damn sure I've fallen in love with you, Yata."

Yata stared at Asuka for what felt like forever before he broke out into a blinding smile. He laughed and moved to gently grab Asuka by her face, pulling her close so their foreheads touched.

"Ya'know, you can be a fuckin idiot sometimes." Asuka just stared at him with wide eyes, unsure of how to process Yatas words.

"You're not the only one. Pretty sure I fell in love with you too somewhere down the line, Asuka, ya dumbass." Yata said with no stutter but his face was dark pink. Somehow Asukas eyes got wider, filling with tears again.

Yata panicked, wiping away the tears with his hands as they fell down Asukas cheeks, "Oh no no no, please don't cry! Please oh fuck, no no everything's okay! Oh god I don't know what to do, shit!"

Asuka snorted and fell forward into Yatas chest, "Dumbass." She mumbled against his chest.

Yata just sighed and let a hand rest on the back of Asukas head, fingers soon finding themselves messing with the soft strands gently. The chestnut haired boy moved so the two of them were laying on the bed, pulling the covers on top of them. Feeding off of each others confession and body heat they soon fell asleep, warm with promise and newfound happiness. In the morning a newfound pleasure in waking up was found.




A gentle kiss to the temple woke Yata from his sleep. Asuka gently pushed his hair back from his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead as he blinked himself awake. A smile graced his lips when Asuka pulled back, allowing him to see her face. A smile was mirrored on her own lips.

Her cheeks were flushed from sleep, eyes a bit unfocused in the morning light. Her dark hair was mussed and poofy, strands sticking up at weird angles that made Yata's heart soft. The sweatshirt she had slept in was rumpled and pulled up a bit, showcasing a sliver of her pale stomach. Yata could see the edge of the HOMRA insignia, red and black stark against her pale, freckled stomach. A strange thought flashed through his teen mind, 'does she have freckles everywhere?'. The skater boy blinked away the thought and sat up, pulling Asuka into a hug.

"Mornin', sleepy head." Asuka mummed into the hug, wrapping her arms around his neck gently.

Yata hummed and pressed fleeting kisses to her collarbone and cheek, rousing a fit of giggles from the girl. The boy smiled and pulled back, wanting to see the smile on Asukas face. The two stared at each other like love-stricken teens. That's what they were, of course, but their eyes spoke volumes. It was more than a fleeting love between two lost teens, it was a bonding, eternal love between a girl and a boy and all of their peculiarities. The crow wings and the swords in the sky, the violence and revenge, the trauma and the family.

"Lets go get somethin' to eat, I need coffee!" Asuka cheered, always happy for food, and slipped off the bed. She stumbled over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash the sleep off her face with cold water. Yata followed behind her slowly, coming to stand in the bathroom beside her. Side by side the two brushed their teeth and prepared themselves to go downstairs, bumping shoulders and elbows playfully.

When they were downstairs in the kitchen they realized that they were the first ones awake. Asuka playfully shushed the typically loud vanguard and began to prep the coffee machine. Yata just rolled his eyes, it was too early for him to care and too early to make noise. He really just wanted to curl back up in bed with Asuka and sleep all day but the girl was an early bird. As the girl stood in front of the coffee pot tapping the counter and humming as the machine began to work, Yata stumbled over and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close to his chest in a warm back hug. Asuka hummed and leaned into his chest, wrapping her hands around his clasped ones. The two stood in the kitchen silently, watching the coffee brew.

The silence was cut when the kitchen door was opened. Asuka and Yata paid no mind to whoever was walking in - they were too tired and too happy to care. Mr. Kusanagi walked in with Mikoto trailing behind slowly. Mr. Kusanagi smiled as he watched the two teens interact, turning to face Mikoto.

"Guess I owe you some money, Mikoto."

The red king grunted, a small smile twisting the edges of his lips. There hadn't been a decent amount of love within HOMRA since the death of Tatara and it seems as if Asuka would be the one to rekindle that flame.

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