Grey Hound

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Chapter Six

There is a legend about a wolf, a wolf that's mighty and fearless, a wolf that is strong and powerful. It is said to be loyal once you get it to be sired upon you, but to do that it has to see you as it's Alpha. No one knows the story of this wolf. And ever since the beginning of time only one werewolf has had control over this beast, one of the first werewolves, which meant that this beast was also an immortal to have lived that long.
At the very end of a big dark cave, in the wolves' territory, is where it is said to be found. One of the royal werewolves', one of the strongest ones at that, was killed inside that cave. Hence, no royal werewolf is allowed to seek the beast again because the kingdom can't risk losing another royal.


John's POV

I walked in the wolves territory and not one wolf attacked me because they recognize me as one of their own. Too bad that the grey hound is not the same.
I came to a stop when I reached the cave, took a deep breath but still felt unprepared to fight with the mighty creature. But this an obstacle that I have to stumble upon if I am gonna get Allison back from the vampires. Werewolves may get weakened in the vampire kingdom but a Grey Hound is said to have no weaknesses. It is referred to as half wolf, half beast.
I entered the cave for the first time since my family died, I felt fear. I could find the scent of the many werewolves that died in this very cave. It was dark, too dark for human's too see. I then heard a growl, it sounded huge, frightening. I found it's scent and walked towards it. And there I stood, in front of the beast. I tried not to show my fear and declared a fight to claim who is alpha.
It attacked me and suddenly I felt something that I was never aware of.
Was this physical pain?
I felt so much pain. My skin may be invulnerable but it still stings. I tried to avoid as much of it's attacks but the beast's movements are swift and it's claws are heavily sharp. I turned, I had to or I would stand no chance of beating this monster. This was the first wolf that is bigger than I am. I started spinning using all of my legs to attack. It may be stronger than me but it does not have an invulnerable skin. So with a run up against the wall and with a final blow with all my strength, I had won the battle and was looked up to as the alpha of this grey hound. I turned back to my human form grabbing some clothes in my bag and then put it on.
I entered the cave alone but came out of it with something stronger than a pack.

I'm coming Allison.


Allison's POV

"Let me go." I struggled to escape from them though I knew that it was hopeless. I just chose to fight till the very end.
The remorse that I didn't feel before, I feel now. I wish that I never introduced John Miles as my boyfriend.
"We are back, tell the queen that we have the mate of John Miles," said the vampire to another vampire.
"Please enter." We entered the huge castle and then walked up the stairs.
"The Feminis have returned your highness and they bring someone for you," announced the vampire then we walked on what seemed to be a red carpet and stopped a few steps away from some sort of throne.
"You bring me the wrong girl. She is not John Miles's mate," said a very unusual being that hid in the shadows.
"She's the one," said the vampire beside the vampire that was holding me.
"You dare correct me," I blinked for a second and in that split second the vampire that spoke back to the so called 'royal vampire' was on the ground with his chest ripped open and his heart beside him. I looked away and tried to stop myself from puking.
"She is a human. Wolves can only be bound to their mate and if they found their mate then they should be marked by a bite and a scent. She isn't marked. But please, explain to me why you thought she was the girl?"
"John Miles turned, for the first time in decades, he turned just to protect this human," said the guy that carried me.
"Turned? John Miles turned? To save her? Then she maybe important to him after all. Take her to the dungeon. Lock her up. John Miles is coming."


I sat there in the dirty dungeon. I felt so hungry but there was nothing I can do but just suffer. I heard footsteps from outside and it kept getting closer until the door opened then was closed by the one that entered my cellar.
"Who are you?"
"I am the most good looking vampire that you'll ever see. I am the queen's favorite son."
"So you're a prince?"
"Yes I am, and you are Allison Branson. You're pretty, but what did John really like about you?" he stared deep into my eyes with a smirk on his face.
"Why do you care?"
"That's the thing, I don't. If you live or die doesn't matter to me because John will come for you either way."
"He won't come for me... He doesn't care about me."
"If that's what you think then I would believe you. Then you won't matter anymore. You are useless to us." He said as his fangs came out and he ran towards me, biting me.
This experience seemed to have happened before. Pain, fear and losing my consciousness but this time there is nothing saving me from dying. This is the end for me.

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