Vampire Kingdom

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Chapter Seven

John's POV

I ran, not being aware of my surroundings. It was fine that I was unaware, I had a grey hound that could sense danger easily and find the scent of vampires from far away. I knew that I was close to the vampire kingdom, I felt myself getting weaker and weaker.
Vampires came attacking from all directions, some of them were easily ripped apart by the grey hound while the others came attacking me, I fought them and when I killed all of them I felt an unusual pain that I have not felt before. I look to my right arm and I was bleeding, the vampire's bite cut through my skin, and I was bleeding out for the first time. It did not last, thanks to my quick healing, but this tells me that I am in the Vampire Kingdom.
I turned to a wolf, knowing that I would be stronger in this form. I ran towards the palace, in search of the dungeons. I am sure that Allison is being kept there. The royal vampires probably already know that we are here and are planning a way to capture me.
I was getting tired, growing weaker, but my eagerness to see Allison again is what was giving me the strength to fight.
I was ripping a vampire apart when I got tackled by another vampire but this vampire was different, it was stronger than the others. I turned to face him and he smiled at me.
"Hello John, are you here for your precious human? I'm afraid she's gone."

She is dead?

I took a huge swing at the vampire that stood before me. He easily grabbed me and threw me up in the air, I managed to land on my feet and run towards him with another swing, he evades it but I caught him with my other leg. He dropped to the ground and I opened my mouth to bite him. He anticipates my move and grabbed the top and bottom of my mouth. I could feel him about to break my jaw into half. I could't get away from his grip and I felt helpless until Ashley bit his head and separated it from his body.

He is lying, Allison is alive and I know it. She is not dead.

I kept on fighting until I reached the palace. I ran to the stairs that lead me to the underground dungeons as Ashley prevented the vampires from following after me. I took a sniff but I did not find Allison's scent anywhere. I opened every cellar in the dungeon. At the seventeenth cellar, I found her lying on the floor, motionless. I listened for a pulse or a heart beat but found no trace of it anywhere. When suddenly her finger moved and right after that she got up looking so afraid and shock. She saw me and she seemed to know it was me because of my six legs. She then hugged me very tightly. Although she is alive I still can't hear her heart beating, her skin felt cold like a dead person's skin and she had the scent of a...vampire.
I pulled away from the hug to look into her eyes. Bloody red.

She was turned to a vampire.

"What's wrong?" She asked me but I could not give a reply in my wolf form so I just gestured her to get on my back and when she did, I ran back upstairs. I found Ashley there and the vampires were attempting to capture her. I forgot that I was not the only wolf that is wanted by the vampires. I tried to save her but the vampires stopped me from getting to her. Ashley saw me from a distance and tried to go to me but she was being pulled into a wolf's cage. When suddenly I saw a Jarfin wolf, it was Jane. I spoke to her with my growl and told her to save the Grey Hound. She ran to Ashley and used her claws and fangs to cut open the net. It allowed Ashley to gain enough space to escape the net. As soon as Ashley got out we ran. The vampires chased us but was unable to catch up and just like that we got out of the Vampire kingdom. The vampire's plan to capture us got ruined when the royals felt the lost of another royal. A prince, the vampire that I fought and Ashley had killed.


Allison's POV

We made our way back to John's house. Jane kept looking at him. She seems to be wanting John to say something while John was trying to find the mental strength to say what he has to say.

What's going on with me?

I seem to be seeing through their senses. I heard a twig snap but didn't know where it was from until I saw a cat from far away but it didn't sound so far away. I was weirded out because I could hear it chewing it's food and I could hear small flies from a distance buzz. I looked at the cat once again and this time I could hear and almost see it's blood flowing.
"Ashley." I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face Jane. "Are you okay?"
"Yes I am, because of John," I turned to John. "Thank you, for saving me," I said as he stayed silent and gave a small smile as a reply. After all this time he is still trying to hide his feelings from me, but this time he couldn't. I could sense exactly what he was feeling. He was angry and worried, but I couldn't tell why.
"Are you sure you are okay?" Asked Jane.
"Yes, But how am I still alive? The vampire killed me, he bit me and sucked every ounce of blood out of me."
"You just felt that way." John finally spoke. "He was not drinking your blood."
"What do you mean?"
"He spread vampire poison to your body which caused you to die as a human and live as a..."
"Live as what? John?"
"Live as a vampire." After hearing that I did not say another word. Now I understand why he felt angry, it was because I have become what he hates the most, a vampire.
"You will be facing a lot of hardship and will have to fight the urge to harm or even kill a human." Said Jane.
"I will do everything in my will," I promised.
"I'm sorry I did not get to you sooner," John stood up and walked inside his room, closing the door.


Third POV

"My queen, John Miles has returned from the vampire kingdom and he has the grey hound with him."
"The grey hound? Fascinating. I guess we were right about John being the way to defeat all vampires," said the youngest prince.
"Not all vampires your highness."
"What do you mean not all vampires?" Said the other prince.
"Allison Branson, the human that he was saving, is now a vampire."
There was silence, the queen clenched her jaw but didn't utter a word.
"Get out!" Shouted the four princes as the queen suddenly smiled.

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