Chapter 1: discovery of there origin

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{3rd pov}
It was a sunny summer day the birds were chirping and the bees were buzzing and there they were 3 little children entering there parents room.
Baby izu:"moma, papa wake up!"Called
Baby izumi:"papa wake up, moma wake up!"yelled
Baby pat:"wake up."demanded
Toshinory:"huh....oh morning kids what are u doing up so early?"the man inquired
All 3 kids:" its our birthday today will finally get our quirks!"they yelled simultaneously
Inko:"ok u guys i know ur exited about our visit to the quirk doctor later today but first lets get all of us some breakfast ok ?"she said in a calm and loving voice.
All agreed and headed to the kitchen, once there the two adults began making breakfast for the family of 5. They were having eggs and bacon, after finishing breakfast inko asked the kids to go take a shower and get ready there appointment will be in about 3 hours or so. Once everyone was ready inko headed out with the kids in tow with toshinory deciding to stay behind at the house once goodbye have been exchanged they start leaving.
<at the quirk doctor>
Nurse:"inko yagi if u would pls follow me i will leadu to ur appointment"
Inko followed the nurse and lead the small group of 4 to the quirk doctor
Once the blood tests were dont witch didnt take more than 30 minutes
The doctor came back with a worried expression
Inko asked:"is there something wrong doctor?"
Doctor:"well i have good news and bad news witch would u like to hear first ?"he inquired with a bit of worry in hes voice
Inko:"i would like to hear the bad news first so i can drown it out with the good news"
Doctor'dam another one of those huh i fell so sorry for these two boys'he thought
Doctor:"well the bad news is that izuku and patrick are quirkless......"
This made both the young boys worlds shatter they were both too shocked to even speak
Doctor:"BUT izumi here has a very powerful quirk that is basically a fusion of both ur and ur husbands quirks"
This made inko very happy and she shined so much attention towards izumi leaving izu and pat in there despair
Doctor'i hope the best for those two im not sure if they will survive'
After that inko took the 3 kids and went home
<at the yagi household>
Inko walks inholding izumi as if she just won the galactic lottery with izu and pat following behing like mindless zombies still haven't recovered from the shock that they got from the doctor appointment
Toshinory:"so how did it go?"
Inko:"oh isuku and patrick turned out to be quirkless"she said disappointed "but izumi here has a very powered fusion of both our quirks"she said with a kiddy tone
Toshinory:"oh! Well that great! Ur gonna be an amazing hero izumi"he exclaimed
They then proceeded to celebrate izumi's birthday leaving the 2 brothers alone after a bit they both snap out of there daze and head to there room (they share a room btw).
[timeskip of 10 year brought to u by a shocked izu and pat]
We can see isuku being beaten to a bloody pulp with patrick trying key word trying to help but to no avail
The people responsible for this are non other than there "friends" better known as izumi yagi their sister, katsuki bagugo and katsumi bagugo, shoto todoroki and shoka todoroki. This beating was a daily thing for the brotherly duo every day before and after school there 5 so called "friends" would beat the ever living crap out of the 2 till there quite literally on deaths door. After a few more mins the group was done and they left the two. Isuku was covered with burn marks bc of the bagugo explosions and pat was covered in both 2nd degree burns and frostbite caused by non other than the todorokis and both of them having multiple black spots all over there body thanks to there dear devil of a sister punching them with her quirk. Pat was the first to be able to get up and move as he did this he helped izu up setting him down in a sitting position and they start talking.
Pat:"hey izu if i told u im going to run away from home after we finish middle school would u join me ?"asked the young boy a bit anxious and obviously in pain
To say izuku was surprised would be and understatement he was shocked at the question but replied with a simple "yes"
This made pat happy as he cared alot for hes little borther(there in the same class and same age pat is just older than isuku by a few minutes) he was the protective type although with both of them being quirkless they were easy target isuku still wanted to be a hero and pat being the only person that cares and talks with him tried his best to support hes brothers dream as it being stealing from there neglectful parents or trying to take most of the daily beatings damage pat did hes best to protect hes brother but he knew that if they both stayed in that hell hole of a house they wouldnt be able to survive much longer although they both were living on bare necessities with both of them working part time they had to leave.
<timeskip to the last day of school brought to u by the devil of the shield>
Teacher walks into class with a stack of papers
Teacher:"well i was going to distribute these job assignement papers but"he threw the papers in the air"i know u all want to be heros"
The classroom erupted with everyone showing off there quirk for the exception of 7 student (2 of witch were quirkless)
Bakugo:"hey teach dont lump me and my friends with these extras!"he yelled
Teacher:"ah yes bagugo and friends u all applied to UA high correct?"
Bagugo nodded in agreement while making a few sparks in hes hand
The teacher then looked at pat and izu and smirked:"oh didnt u two yagi's apply to UA high too ?"
With that there was silence then laughter the class was laughing at the thought that the 2 quirkless student of the class were even thinking of joining UA but there was a specific 5 who were not laughing but were getting angrier by the second
<timeskip to the end of the day brought to u by the monarch of shadows>
Bagugo goes up to pats desk and blast pat square in the face with an explosion then yells"HEY U TWO USELESS WANNA BES WHAT DO U THINK UR DOING U DONT DESERVE TO BY IN UA UR BOTH JUST USELESS DEKUS"
pat was silent,over the years he knew that if he replied it would just make things worse izuku was trying to put away hes latest quirk analysis book but shoto caught him in the act, with one swift motion he threw the book to bagugo
Bagugo:"what is this? "Future quirk analysis no.14"? Why the heck would a useless deku need something like this ull never be a hero!"he stated
After that he exploded the book and threw it out the window and then said something pat will never forget
Bagugo:"if u two are desperate enough to want to get a quirk then i have a solution for u"
The two brothers looked at the blond intrigued by hes words but he had a shit eating grin that spelled trouble then he continued
"Why dont u both take a swan dive off the roof of the building, hope and pray for a quirk in ur next lives"
After that the two were stunned what they didnt notice is the worried expression on katsumi and shoka's faces, u see katsumi and shoka actually have a crush on izu and pat respectively but they never showed it.
'Take a swan dive of the roof that was the best thing u could come up with bagugo ? Whatever today is the day we go away from this shit hole theres about 1 year and 10 month till we can apply to UA so i think its time i tell izu the truth' pat thought.
<later while walking>
Pat:"hey izu let us get home and pack our stuff then we can go to the forest safehouse i built"
Izu confused asked:"what do u mean the safehouse u built ? Since when were u planning to run away?"
Pat realizing that he never mentioned the safehouse replies with:"well ummmm..........ill explain at the safehouse ok ? This isnt the place for that talk u can trust me k ?"
Izu:"ok i trust u big bro"
<timeskip brought to u by izu and pat packing there things and leaving there room that honestly looks like a crime scene>
<at the safehouse>
Pat decided to give izu a tour of the house first then explain everything(or mostly everything)
The safe house what spacious scratch that it was massive at the surface i only looks like a standard 2 story building but it has 3 underground floors. The first floor or ground floor was a standard kitchen with 2 master bedrooms, 3 guestrooms, 5 bathrooms a backyard that doubled as a garden, a garage for forging and creating gadgets and tools then the first underground floor is a giant zoo well more accurately to say its more like a farm with a water filtration system ofcourse so whoever lived here could be self sufficient (also gotta mention most of everything is automated) we move down to the 2nd underground floor and here is a gaming floor literally 10 full on gaming setups with 4 50 inch flat screen smart tvs and L.E.D. Lights setup all around the room set to the colors dark green and black in some spots and lite green and white in others and finally the 3rd underground floor is a hole freaking training facility this floor was by far the biggest of the 3 underground floors this floor was a massive 100 meters scared with 30 m in hight and it was a pure white room the walls floor and celling were all covered in white panels that can morph into whatever u will need for ur training (i will make a separate part with some photos to kinda show what it looks like).
So after the tour of the safehouse(u know what im gonna call it the house now safehouse is getting annoying to type)
Pat decided to tell izu what was on hes mind for so long
Pat:"hey izu ur gonna have to sit down for this im gonna explain to u who we are or well were is the more accurate thing to say"
Izuku was confused but complied with hes brothers request and sat on the couch on the gf(ground floor)
Pat:"ok here goes, we both are the reincarnation of the monarch of elements and lord of elements, they are very powerful beings that could control a power called elementale energy this ability allowed them to control practically all elements, forces of nature, and other things. They did however focused on a specific 15 that they specialized in those 15 were devised in to categorizes and distributed among the people so that each clan could have one lord and one  monarch of the major 15. The elementale(this isnt a misspell this is actually how u spell it in this world) lord and monarch were arch nemesis of each other all the lord and monarch were but after a while and after countless battles the two leader of each group decided to make peace so they agreed on a non agression pact but unfortunately the other monarchs didnt take this all to well and labeled the elementale monarch a traitor thankfully the elementale lord let him live with him bc they were the only two that could control elementale energy now back to the elements, the categories that they were split to were:
1-the primary elements consisting of fire-water-earth-air.
2-the secondary elements consisting of lighting-ice/frost-metal-nature/plants
3-the ancient elements consisting of time-light-shadow/darkness
4-the core guardians consisting of ultimate(witch is a fusion on the primary and secondary elements)-balance(witch is a fusion of the 3 ancient elements)-atomic(this one is the fusion of every other element that isnt listed in this list basically any combo or force not mentioned here is in the atomic element)
5-the core consisting of the elementale element(this one is the fusion of everything, it is everything).
Im the elementale lord while u izu are the elementale monarch, back then there was a degree of magic that allowed for reincarnation so we both used it but u weren't proficient at it so ur memories of that time are lost but ur powers arent so were gonna spend the next year and 10 months trying to get u to unlock, train and master ur power. Fortunately my memories are intact so i still retained my old control"there was a pose of deafening silence till it was broken by none other than the lord himself:"so what do u say izu do u accept ?"
Izuku was confused, excited but above all there was a question that was nagging him so he asked:"hey pat how long have u known about this?"
Pat looked down in shame as if he just realized he committed the greatest mistake a live being can commit:"i knew since we were 10"he replied but added"im sorry i kept it from u i just couldn't stand those no good "parents" of ours so i didnt want them to find out that we had powers and only because of that that they would all of a sudden care im sorry little bro"he said with something similar but not quite fear
Izu"no no its fine i understand the reason for u not to tell but how are we gonna use ours quirks?"
Pat"actually its power not quirk but we can say its a quirk and as for how to use it ill have to undo the block i made"
Izu"the what ?"
Pat" well u see when i was 10 i made a power blocker and put it on u so that u wouldn't accidentally use ur powers as a warning were both existence level time bombs in a figurative way"
Izu"ok so when do we starts?"
Pat"well we will spend the first 3 months training u on basic elementale control then after that well move on to an element every month for 15 months then in the last 2 months ill teach u some combo move that u could use as ur ultimate moves."
Izu"ok lets get started"
Pat"k drop down and give me 200"

This is all for this part hope u enjoyed it if anyone wants me to go even deeper into the elementale lord and monarch back story then feel free to comment down below also yes the story of the elementale lord and monarch is an original story made by urs truly but i will be making fanfics about it and maybe one day i may write the actually story but for now i bid u all farewell lord out.

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