Chapter 6😼

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               (The next day)
  -You woke up and got your things and walked to your car and put your stuff in the backseat and you got in the car and left to go back home and when you got back home vallyk,Kobe,mike,cam came outside

                    Y/n-what? Kobe-sorry🥺
            Y/n-it's fine... Can-where were you?
       Y/n-at a hotel... mike-hmmm vallyk-are    you good? Y/n-ya I'm fine ima go up to my room 😊

   -you went to your room and you locked your door and you leaned against the wall and you started to cry and the boys came back inside and then Kobe heard you crying-
  Kobe-you okay? Y/n-... Kobe-open the door

You got up and opened the Door and he walked in the room
  Kobe-what's wrong? Y/n-nothing Kobe-come sit on my lap and tell me why you crying🥺
y/n-okay,promise you won't get mad at me?☹️ Kobe-...depends on what you about to tell me
Y/n-hmm okay,so when I was in my car yesterday Derek came up to my car and he said open the door and I accidentally opened it yes ik I'm stupid for doing that but I was mad and confused and so once I opened the door he got in and he got on me and I pushed him off and then he said to get in the backseat and I said no and then he said if you don't get in the backseat I will kill you,I was scared so I got in the backseat and so did he and he started touching all over me and he was aggressive with me😕and me and him did the dirty but I didn't want to he forced me,I'm sorry Ik it's basically considered as cheating😞 Kobe-no no it's okay,I'm sorry for what I did yesterday and that I couldn't be there to protect you from that mf 

      *mike and vallyk walk in the room*
Mike-what's wrong with her? Kobe-do you want me to tell them y/n? Y/n-yea🥺
            *kobes told them what happened*
Mike-wtf when I see him ima beat the shit outta him for doing that to you🤬
     Vallyk-shit ima join you,I'm so sorry y/n🙁
    Y/n-it's okay...
                       *y'all all was talking and then you had fell asleep so mike and vallyk left and Kobe stayed with you to take care of you🙃 Kobe kissed your forehead and he soon fell asleep*

(The next day)
Y/n-good morning😌
Kobe-good morning baby😉
*y'all kiss 😘*
Kobe-wanna go out today?
Y/n-ya I have to get some stuff at target and get something to eat and meet up with vallyk and mike at the fair🙃
    Kobe-ok😘  *you look for your clothes and change and Kobe does too*

               (The next day)      Y/n-good morning😌   Kobe-good morning baby😉               *y'all kiss 😘* Kobe-wanna go out today?  Y/n-ya I have to get some stuff at target and get something to eat and meet up with vallyk and mike at the fai...

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Kobe's fit^

Y/n's fit😘

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Y/n's fit😘

*after y'all got ready y'all left to go do what y'all had to do first and the go meet up with mike and vallyk at the fair*

To be continued....

I will do another part maybe later😉
bye loves💕
Sorry this part is short my head hurts🙄 and if my head didn't hurt it would be longer😏
• word count-553

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