Chapter 3

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And you finally woke up and vallyk-finally you woke up sleepy head and and y'all cuddled for a little bit and vallyk-so what's going on 😕 you-well Derek is the problem so one day it was a school day and yk me and Derek have class together so them 5 minutes later my bsf tony/ballo walks in and I smiled at him and he said hi to me and he sat I front of me and Derek got jealous and when it was the end of the school day and like 2 hours passed by then Derek knocked on my door and I opened it and he said who was that you was talking to or should I say flirting with and he had a knife and I  said nobody and he said stop lying and he choked me and he kissed me and I didn't kiss back so he kissed me aggressively and then he left me crying and then Cam  came back from school 🏫 and he seen me crying and he hugged me until I calmed down a little 😕 vallyk-oh I'm sorry for what happened to you and yk you can always tell me anything and also Kobe told me can he come over to tell you something and you said yes and Kobe came over and he asked you something.....

Keep going

Keep going

Keep going

A little bit more and then you'll be there

And he asked if you would be his gf and you said.......

To be continued 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😬

Word count:260

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