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You and jaden went to go see vallyk near his class and so you texted vallyk to come to the bathroom

4 minutes later he came with mike

M-who's this?
Y/n-oh this is a new student
J-wsp I'm jaden
They dap eachother up
V-but what y'all doing all the way over here
Y/n-we got put out for interrupting the class
J-wait y/n what are they to you?
M-I'm her cousin
V-and I'm her bsf
Y/n-well I just wanted to see y'all but bye hippos c'mon ja
J-Ight bye y'all
M&v-bye bitch
M&v-bye bro

You and jaden walked back to 4th period and you knocked on the door and the teacher opened it

T-you both are getting wrote up for skipping class
Y/n-me and jaden had to go to the bathroom
T-you are still getting wrote up so go to the office now
Y/n-bro wtf
T-make that two write ups for you ms.aleesiah
Y/n-ugh whatever

You and jaden went to the office and sat down in the chairs that was in the office and then the Assistant principal came up to you and jaden

Asp-what are you two up here for?
Y/n-wrote up
Asp-now ms.aleesiah you have gotten wrote up so many times and are you new here?(she asked jaden)
J-yea I am, today is my first day
Asp-so you got wrote up on your first day
Y/n-do y'all have snacks up here?
Asp-yea come to my room
You and jaden followed her to her room
Y/n-dang you have a lot of snacks
Asp-yea I be hungry myself
J-can I have some chips?
Asp-yea but don't tell no one and I will just give y'all one day of detention, is that fine with y'all?
Asp-okay well in the meanwhile you two can go to the library until it's time for 5th period and also you two gotta stay till 6pm
Y/n-yes ma'am
J-okay Mrs.Moore

You and jaden headed to the library and on y'all way to the library y'all talked about how you were gonna tell Mike and vallyk they gotta come over like later like around 8pm

Y'all finally got to the library..

1 hour later

5th period~
Group 1
Kaleb.    Jaden
Y/n.       Derek

Group 2
Scarlet.    Chris
Kaylee.     Josh

Group 3
Nena.    Mila
Kira.     Mille

Group 4
Alex.   Jeremih
Bryan.  Scott

I'm class~

T-okay class so today we are gonna have a test

The teacher passes out the test to everyone and y'all do the test

Skip to you and jaden's detention

|school|6pm|in the gym|

You and jaden was playing basketball and then the asp called for y'all to go to the office

So you and jaden walked to the office

Then once you got to the office the asp told y'all to clean the lunchroom and so you and jaden cleaned the lunch room and it was about to be 7pm so y'all finished cleaning up and then you and jaden went out to the school parking lot

J-well see you tomorrow
Y/n-okay bye jaden
You got in your car and you seen jaden walking
Y/n-yo ja
Jaden turned around
Y/n-you need a ride?
He walked up to your car and got in the passenger seat and you asked him if he wanted to come over for a little and he agreed and so you drove to the house and then you texted Mike and vallyk that they can come over now and so you and jaden said hey yo your mom and then went to your room

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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