1: Kenny Ackerman

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Okay so here's another story! It was inspired by another author you can check her/him/them out their story is ok my Ereri list "What if" so enjoy!

(Levi POV)

I was standing next to my mother as she chocked out a dry cough. "M-Mom are you okay?" I asked her hesitantly. "I'm fine dear." She replies back with a weak smile.

I crawled up into bed with her and fell asleep as I felt my mothers arm creep onto my skinny back.

It was morning so I decided to get out of bed and wake my mother up. "Mom..?" I say as she was still not waking up. "Mom?" I say again.

I started shaking her but she didn't budge. I then lay my head on her chest and hear that her heart  has no beat to it.

My eyes go wide as I looked down at the corpse that was with me but is now gone.

I didn't cry I just walked over to a corner and sat there in the ground holding my knees to my chest as I fell into a sleep.

~✨🦋5 day time skip brought by Kuchel's Soul 🦋✨~

As I hear a door open I look up to see a man with mid length hair and hear him say "Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi, Damn you've lost a ton of weight since I last saw you Kuchel." I hear the man say.

"She's Dead." I say.

(Kenny POV)

"She's Dead." I hear a raspy voice say."Huh?" I turn to face a very thin child with very long hair. "And you? I say with a concerned face. "Are you alive?" The thin raven lifts his head up.

We made eye contact for a few seconds. "Hey Hey, Gimme a damn Break.. ya hear me don't ya?" I say looking down at the thin boy. "Gotta name?"

The boy uses his night blue eyes to look up at me. He responds with "Levi.." as he chapped lips closed his mouth. "Just Levi." He assures me.

I drop my bag down dig my hands into my pockets and lean back to the wall. Sliding down next to my dead sister I didn't get to say goodbye to. "I get it Kuchel..." I say facing my head down.

"That's True.. not worth using your name." As I slide all the way down to the floor on the level The boy was. "I'm Kenny.. Just Kenny." I say still putting my head down.

"I used to know Kuchel." As the boy still stared at me. "Nice to meetcha."

I then grabbed the boy and brought him to a bar to feed him he looked so skinny like he hasn't eaten in days. 'An Unfriendly brat on the brink of Death, is all Kuchel left behind.' I say grabbing my drink and chugging it down.

'I wasn't so heartless that I'd let the runt die, but.. I want stepping in as an parent either.' I say as I stopped chugging my drink. 'There want much I could teach em but...'

'How to grip a knife'
'How to get along with people'
'How to say Hello'
'How to swing a deal'
'And how to swing a knife'

'Basically all one needs to know is to survive in the underground.' I looked up at the boy holding the knife. 'If he wanted to go above ground, it was up to him.'

'But when that time came he had to do it himself.'  I thought as I saw how astonished the boy was.

He then flipped the knife over.

I then go around a circle to see Levi beating an old runt. I felt like he could deal with this wretched world himself so I left. Holding my hat on my head.

(Levi POV)

It's been a day since Kenny left I don't know where he's gone. Did he just leave me? I thought to myself. I can't keep relying on others I should handle everything myself!

So when I thought maybe I could go above ground. But the MP's wouldn't allow me to go without an adult. So I had to use violence to get my way out.

I hid my knife in the waist band of my trousers as I tried walking through the exit.

But then an MP stopped me "hey your not allowed t-" before he could finish his sentence I took out my knife and stab him in the gut.

Then more of them came and started chasing me from the exit I ran through as they chase after me. I got to trough the exit in time.

I saw light for the first time. It burnt my eyes. 'Gah!' I thought. I was only 10 when I first got to see light.

So I ran and ran I then saw a a bunch of houses with kids running around. I was so astonished that I didn't even notice someone creeping up behind me and kidnapping me.

They used a cloth on my mouth as my world turned black..

Yes first chapter I'm gonna try and making these chapters as long as possible😭

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