Prologue - An Average Day At Juke's

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Third Person POV

"Here you go, sir. Have a nice day!"

A man in his late thirties nodded at the cashier, turning towards his 4-year-old child. "Come on Marie, let's get these donuts home," the man chided, leaning down to grasp Marie's hand. She looked up at him, then back at the glass counter with longing in her eyes.

"Papa, can I have a cookie?" Marie asked, pointing at a lemon poppy-seed cookie on display. Her father shook his head, gesturing at the box in his hands.

"No, Marie. We already have donuts."


"Come on, we can't leave your older brother alone at home for very long, and you know that."

Marie sighed, nodding. "I know, Papa."

The man smiled. "Maybe next time we can get some cookies."

Marie's face lit up. "Really?" After her father nodded, she grinned widely, skipping towards the door. "Well then, I guess I could wait for next time."

After the two left the shop, the cashier sighed, one hand propping up his head. He stared dreamily out the door at the father and daughter. It always warmed his heart when customers left his shop happier than when they arrived. He momentarily remembered the little girl wiping tears from her eyes as she reluctantly trailed into the shop, a balloon carcass drooping behind her. He cast the thought from his mind, not wanting to focus on the negative. He still had work to do.

Briefly abandoning his station at the counter, he rushed over to the kitchen, maneuvering his way around the lone worker that was still here. She was finishing her shift, cleaning up the kitchen. She glanced up, smiling at her boss.

"Hey, Jake. You deal with that crying kid that came in here?"

Jake paused for a moment, turning to shoot his signature grin at the dark-haired girl. "I always do, Lia."

Turning the knob to a door on the opposite side of the kitchen, Jake walked into a cozy lounge room for employees only. He sighed once more, flopping on a bean bag. He was ready to close up the shop and pass out for the night. However tiring this job was, he wouldn't give it up for the world. He got to meet new people every day, experiment in his very own kitchen, and own a shop with his best friend. What more could he ask for?

Oh right, and he lived just upstairs.

Jake was startled from his thoughts by the front door closing, signalling that Lia had left. He reluctantly got up from the coziness of the bean bag and walked back to the front of the bakery, ready to close up for the night. He locked the door, turning the sign so the 'Closed' side was facing the street. Turning away from the door, he shifted the keys in his hand, grasping hold of the cashier key. He was about to lock up the cashier when he heard knocking on the door. Raising an eyebrow, he looked at the door, curious to see who was knocking.


and yes, I realize this is the 71893457947th fanfic I've started, but I plan on finishing it by the end of the summer, and if I don't, y'all can yell at me all u want

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