Chapter One: A New Patient

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September 26, 2007

 San Diego, California

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 The sun hadn't even been up for twenty minutes and I was already up, getting ready for work. I looked over at my husband of one year, Cooper, who was sleeping soundly in bed. I smiled at him; finished putting my blond hair up in a tight bun, then got my red dress that flows on along with a long black sweater that buttons in the middle of the front. After checking myself in a full-body mirror, putting my makeup on, and made coffee for myself, I packed my bag with the files of the patients I work with. I heard Cooper walking down the hallway,

 "Alaya?" He yawned and walked to me. He pulled my short body into his, my head on his chest.

 "Good morning," I mumbled and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

 "Goin' to work now?" He asked with a big sigh. I nodded. Sadly for him, I work six days a week, twelve hours a day. I don't know where I found time to date in my schedule. He hugged me tighter and then let me go.

 "Well, have fun today," he smiled at me and his black hair covered his face. I moved his bangs and kissed him gently,

 "Remember to remind me to take you for a haircut," I giggled as I gestured to his shoulder length black hair and stared into his dark blue eyes. He shook his head,

"I hope I forget to remind you," he laughed. I giggled, grabbed my bag and kissed his cheek,

"See you later, love you, I'll text you at lunch!" I darted out the door.

"Bye!" he yelled as I slammed the door shut and ran down the apartment hallway to the parking structure.

 When I got situated in my car and into the morning rush hour of the freeway, I finally let out a calming sigh and sat back in my seat then waited ten minutes to move. I sped off the freeway and onto the usual back-road I take down to my work building, the South San Diego Clinic. It was located in a remote quiet are in the city where there was a lot of solitude and refinement, away from everyone and everything so the patients can heal and live in peace. The place was fairly large; there were plenty of windows and balconies. I pulled up into the parking lot and made my way up to my office.

 "Good morning, Mrs. Walker," the secretary greeted me as I walked through the glass door. I nodded toward her and took the elevator up to floor five, then walked down the long plain white hallway.

 "People who come here depressed probably get even sadder when they see this place," I mumbled to myself as I unlocked the door and lead myself into my brown and pink office which had a large oak desk in the middle of the room with two comfy white chairs. I set my bag on my chair and looked at my list of appointment for the day.

 "Norman, Leslie... Peter," I struck confusion as I noticed a new name on my list, "A-Ara King?" I looked around my desk and found a green file with a note from my boss on it:

 Mrs. Walker-

 You will be receiving a new patient, Ara King, as of

 today. Since you are one of our best workers we decided

 to put her with you. Take good care of her.


I set the note down and looked at the woman's portfolio in the file. I couldn't believe how many things were going on with this poor girl. I read her stuff out-loud and to myself,

      "Ara King, s-seventeen years old, senior in high school. Has a severe case of depression insomnia, claustrophobia, and was sexually harassed many times throughout her life," I closed the file and looked out the large window that overlooked the trees outside,

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