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Hello everyone, I am Ariel Hailey. I work at Carter Corp. I'm one of hundreds who work there. I work in marketing under my supervisor Gabriel Simons. Gabriel is known as a serial lover. My work mate is Matt Ortega, he likes to mess around sometimes. However he gives light to my day and sometimes I need it, other times it's just annoying. The head of our department is Mark Leviels. I haven't met him yet but I'm sure he's a busy man with being the head of the department and everything.

I've worked at Carter Corp for about a year now. I never thought working on a computer was really my thing. I prefer painting and drawing to most things. However Carter Corp. works to help people and even though I'm only in marketing I love being a part of that. There are a few downsides to this job though.

One of which takes the form of the head of human resources on my floor Cassidy Sparke and to put it simply she's the office whore. I'm not even joking about it either. It's very well known that Cassidy will lay under the desk of any male manager to get a leg up in this company. Not only that, she repeatedly uses her position to harass everyone. I'm sure she uses it for other things to. For some reason she has singled me out ever since my first day here she has made my job more difficult than it needs to be. She's a horrible shrew who I wish I could put in her place. However she's been looking for a reason to fire me ever since I started.

My brother Jamie has given me some good advice when it comes to her just in case she tries to fire me for any reason. And that advice is to record all of my interactions with the shrew. I've been doing just that to. Another piece of advice is to pretend she isn't there as much as possible. It works in theory. Whenever she starts in on me while I'm at my desk I do my best not to engage with her. However lately she's made it very difficult for me to do that. She's been complaining about my work and has been making me redo files she's unhappy with. Some of those files I don't know where they came from. She is probably passing off the work she doesn't want to do on me. Gabriel does that sometimes.

The other down side is last minute urgent files. These files have to be done right away and the deadlines are very short sometimes they are due the very same day. In the last week I've had six urgent files I've had to work on. I've skipped lunch and have worked late in order to get the files done.

I don't really have a goal here at Carter Corp. Yes I would like to move up in the company however the way things are going I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. If Cassidy keeps going I may find myself working with my brother at the restaurant he's been working at since we came to New York. It's actually one of my favorite places to eat.

I know an opportunity will come to me. I have other skills other than inputting data I can do art work and graphics. Matt does the graphics for our team but I can do that as well. After starting at Carter Corp I took computer classes to help me gain more skills to do my job better and more efficiently. Working with graphics was fun even if I prefer a paint brush. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to show my artistic ability here at Carter Corp. I really hope so. I don't just want to input data. I have other skills I can use. 

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